Page 8 of Finally, His
He held out a palm. “Your panties.”
She bent down and retrieved them. They were soaked. She balled up the scrap of cotton as best she could and placed them in his palm.
“I’m keeping these. Next time, you won’t wear them, will you?”
Okay, this was it. She could say “no” and never see him again. But who would she be kidding? “Yes. I mean, no, I won’t wear them. Sir.”
He seemed pleased. “Lower your skirt.”
Once she did, she didn’t know what to do next. Should she leave?
“Are you okay?” His brow furrowed a bit. He reached over and swiped his hand along her jawline. A tear escaped her eye, and she batted at it, embarrassed.
His hand circled her wrist and pulled her closer to him. “Never hide those from me.”
She couldn’t if she tried.
His arms went around her and pulled her into his chest. With one arm binding him to her, he reached to his desk and retrieved a bottle of water. “Drink.”
She took it in both hands and tipped it to her lips. “Thank you.”
“It’s my job to take care of you as you explore.” Another caress of his hand alongside her head left her speechless. His tenderness was so unexpected. “It’s my pleasure to do so.”
“I’m good, really,” she said quickly. She wouldn’t be a burden.
“Hmmm. Let’s sit for a bit.” He pulled her toward the black couch against the one bare wall. How many women had he lured to his couch?
She sat, but he pushed her down, so she lay across his lap, cheek on his thigh, her legs curled under her.
He played with her hair. “Beautiful, little Colette.”
Her head shook a “no” involuntarily.
“It wasn’t a question,” he said.
She sat up—not quite believing the moment. No words came from her lips, though. He thought she wasbeautiful. At that moment, if she could have crawled under his skin, she’d have done it.
“How are you feeling?”
“Good. Better than good, actually.”
His gaze raked over her whole body. “Tomorrow. Twelve noon. Can you make that?”
She nodded.
“Good.” He rose, holding out his hand to her. Okay, guess she was leaving. She picked up her purse and met him at the doorway. Thank God the hallway was empty.
Before she could slip outside, he grasped her hand. “No visiting Accendos. If you do, it will be with me.”
A trickle of wet trailed down her leg at the very thought. “Yes, Sir.”
His eyes raked down her body to her feet, and she pressed her thighs together as if that would keep him from seeing her juices on display.
“Good answer,” he said. “I look forward to more of those responses,” his chin tipped down toward her legs, “from you.”
Oh, God.Fantasies, move over. Reality had moved in.
“And you are not to come until I say so.”