Page 32 of Redemption
“You’re scaring me,” I choke out.
“I’m sorry about that.”
He reaches behind me and within the blink of an eye he presses a rag over my face, the sharp stench making my mind spin. I flail and fight to get him off me, but his hold on my head is like steel, ungiving. I fumble for the door handle, and get it open. A rush of fresh air fans my face, but the only thing I inhale are the fumes from the rag. My muscles tingle as they weaken and a renewed bolt of fear stabs my chest as I realize I’m about to lose. I get a leg and arm out, but Christian throws himself over me and pulls me back, slamming the door closed. Darkness creeps into the edges of my consciousness. I struggle to stay awake. I need to get away. I can’t—
A shudder runsthrough me as I jolt awake. I can’t focus at first, but after a few moments I realize I’m in the backseat of a car. It smells strong of new leather. It’s dark, it must be night. My arms and legs are tied behind my back, the suit jacket lies over me like a blanket and all I can do is wiggle a little where I lie on my side. There’s a rag in my mouth and something pressing firmly against my lips. I moan as loud as I can, but I don’t think it’s heard over the sounds from the car. I see the neck of a man driving, and that’s all I know. My heart begins to pound too hard and my whole body goes slack with fear.
Oh my fucking God! Am I being freaking kidnapped?
Tears well up in my eyes. Why?
Why don’t I remember anything?
I vaguely recall a rag over my nose. A feeling of betrayal. But I can’t for the life of me remember.
My mind spins. I feel ill. Oh, please God don’t let me throw up! If I throw up, I’ll choke. I fight the nausea and force myself to subdue my crying because it’s getting hard to breathe through my nose.
I look at the buildings we pass and try to figure out where we are, but I don’t recognize anything.
A horrible, horrible suspicion grows in me. I can’t shake it. Does this have something to do with David? Are they going to kill me?They. Who are they? David’s dad? A raw sob tears through my throat and the rag slides back making me gag. Snot and tears wet the leather under my cheek, and I fight to calm my breathing.
The car suddenly comes to a stop and the engine is shut off. The silence is absolute. I hold my breath, my heart pounding in my throat. Is this it? The front door is opened and closed, then the door next to my head is pulled open and cool night air caresses my skin. There’s a vague scent of salt and iron. A gloved hand comes into view. I moan from the pain when the tape is ripped off. Then this someone pulls out the soaked rag.
I inhale a deep, life-giving breath and look up. The hand strokes my forehead and wipes off tears from my cheeks. It’s dark; I can only make out the outline of the man who leans over me.
“I’m sorry for this, Ker. You weren’t meant to wake up.”
Irecognize the voice immediately.
“Christian?” I rasp. Everything comes rushing back. He picked me up. The ride. “Why? Oh God, why?”
He leans over me and fiddles behind my back. A thousand needles pinch stiff muscles as I can move my arms and legs again. I try to sit, but I’m too weak. Strong arms steady me and help me up. The scent of sandalwood and a hint of mint is all too well known, I woke only this morning, wrapped in it, content, warm, safe.
Christian slides in next to me on the seat. I throw myself away and try to reach the handle on the other door, but he grips my arm and pulls me to him. I lose my breath as we collide.
“Why are you doing this?” I hiccup, fighting the numbing terror that spreads like a wildfire through my whole being. “Please…”
“Ker… I wanted to avoid this. I did my best, I really did. You don’t know anything, and it’s absolute shit. I do like you. I want to think that in other circumstances…”
Circumstances? Other circumstanceswhat?I hold my breath and wait for more but he’s silent.
“I don’t understand.”
“Yes, you do.”
And I do understand. I did stumble over something I shouldn’t have poked at. “Are you… Has this got something to do with David?”
He nods.
I gasp and grip his arm. “Please, Christian… Please. I’ll do anything! I liked you… We—we had something. Please. You don’t have to do this. I’ll be quiet. I’ll leave town. Tonight. I don’t know anything. You know I don’t. I’m nobody.”
“I know,” he says dully.
I meet his dark gaze. He looks pained. It gives me hope. Then he slides out of the car and holds out his hand.