Page 11 of Longing for Sin
"Well, you might want to cut him off the energy drinks," Theo advised with a disbelieving glance over his shoulder. He was a horrible actor, not that she didn't appreciate what he was trying to do. "I'm pretty sure I saw him take a six pack out of his bag. I'm about to try my hand at that new coffee machine in the kitchen, though. The manual is an inch thick. They translated it into three different languages, but didn't include a single picture. Do you want a cup?"
"I'm good, thanks. I stopped by the café a block down on my way into the office this morning," Brook replied as she advanced across the large area rug that she'd chosen to add a bit of color to the spare office.
She truly appreciated that he hadn't been accusatory or confrontational after discovering her connection to Jacob. She would take the out that he'd given her. One, she had a few things to take care of before their meeting. Two, she needed the distance to collect her thoughts.
"I left the manual for that monster in the drawer that literally has no use. I'm not even sure why the installers put a drawer like that in considering that it's half the size of a normal one and not deep enough to hold anything of consequence."
"For incomprehensible manuals, of course."
Theo began to take off his jacket after he pushed away from the doorframe and started to walk toward the kitchen at the end of the hallway as if he had done so a million times before. He had the ability to adjust quickly, and that was an asset out in the field. He paused long enough to toss his leather jacket into his designated office. It no doubt landed on the two boxes that she'd made sure were stored right inside the entrance.
The ease and familiarity to which he'd begun his first day had a bit of tension releasing from her shoulders. That was until Sylvie Deering came rushing through the glass doors and then the foyer without the usual pink color to her cheeks. Not even the cold temperature outside seemed to have helped with the pallor to her face.
"Is it true?"
The third team member and former FBI analyst came to an abrupt halt. One might mistake her for being delicate due to her petite frame, but she had an inner strength that Brook admired. The woman's attention to detail was just another reason to have her on the payroll.
It was also good to know that she had some gumption and wasn't the meek analyst who some had pegged her for in that department. Brook would have liked for there to be another reason for Sylvie to be so forward, but there was no changing what had taken place this morning.
"Are you Jacob Walsh's sister?"
"Yes." Brook didn't see the need to sugarcoat the truth. She straightened her shoulders and stood her ground. "Yes, I am. And before you inquire about the favor that I asked of you a couple of months ago, that answer is also yes. I'd learned that there had been a body found up in Maine, and the MO matched my brother's signature. The case was purposefully kept from me at the time by my superior, and I needed to know the details."
It was obvious that Sylvie hadn't expected Brook to give such a direct answer. By this time, Theo had backtracked to stand next to her. He cleared his throat before reaching out his arm.
"Sylvie." Theo had greeted his colleague as if the encounter between the two women hadn't taken place, shaking her hand firmly. "It's good to see you again. I only have one question—how good are you at making an espresso?"
Sylvie blinked her blue eyes continuously behind the square, black-rimmed glasses that were perched perfectly on the bridge of her nose. Her blonde hair had been pulled back into a bun at the base of her neck, and there was a slight shine to her pink lips that were currently parted in disbelief. She was having a hard time coming to terms with his ability to ignore the severity of the situation.
"Theo, did you know about this?"
"The espresso machine? No, but I do believe that it makes more than coffee or an espresso. I think it also processes heavy water for nuclear reactors. What do you usually prefer? Cappuccinos, macchiatos, plain coffee, nuclear fission? Come help me figure it out while Brook gets ready to fill us in on the new case. By the way, which office did you take? I'm two down from Brook's office, and I think the one we are standing in front of is the spare for any clients who might need a moment alone."
"Um, I think I'm across the hall from you," Sylvie replied distractedly, clearly unsure of why Theo was so adamant about changing the subject. Had Brook still not been coming to terms with the fact that her true identity had been leaked to the press, she would have handled the situation with more finesse. "Are we really not going to talk about…"
Brook escaped to her office, leaving Sylvie in Theo's capable hands. He was turning out to be a lot more valuable than Brook had imagined, and she might need to consider delegating a little bit more authority. She wasn't used to having someone to rely on in these types of situations, for obvious reasons. Theo might just make one hell of a second in command. At least, it was something to consider.
Jacob had done his best to ensure that her life wasn't perfect. She had no close friends, chose one-night stands over relationships that required a commitment, and she spent every spare moment she had searching for him. He'd gone to extreme lengths to isolate her, and it was going to take some time to alter her mindset.
Brook was able to breathe a bit easier after spending some time in her office alone. She didn't need to mull over what she was going to say to her new team in what was now less than thirty minutes. She would simply tell them the truth about her past, give them the option of leaving with some type of severance package, and then turn the discussion onto their first case for those who chose to stay.
Such an offer of severance would need to be signed off by Graham, though.
"You certainly know how to jumpstart a business with a thunderclap."
Speak of the devil.
Brook had already caught sight of Graham walking through the foyer, so she wasn't taken off guard when he'd opened the glass door to her office. He was dressed in his usual attire, apart from his tie. It was either new or one that he rarely wore, because he'd chosen one with understated hues of greys and blues. He always intentionally avoided red.
Brook got right down to business.
"If it's alright with you, I'm going to offer the three of them severance packages should they not wish to remain employed by S&E Investigations." Brook picked up the files that she'd reviewed last night. She also made sure that she had her favorite pen, leaving the caramel macchiato on her desk. The beverage had gone cold long ago, and she should have taken Theo up on his offer to make her a fresh one. "Should one of them accept, you can take the funds out of my salary."
Brook had stood from her chair once she had collected everything that she'd need to start the meeting. She ignored the slight irritation as he closed the door behind him. She steeled herself for his denial, but she'd already made up her mind to make the offer to the team. This was something that she would fight for should he choose to deny her request.
Theo, Sylvie, and Bit hadn't deserved to be so caught off guard this morning. While their jobs entailed a certain amount of risk with the cases they would undoubtedly take on over the coming years, they hadn't counted on facing off with someone like Jacob.
Her brother longed for sin in a way that was abnormal.