Page 43 of Longing for Sin
Theo's appearance saved her from having to follow up with anything in regard to Derek's so-called proposition. He never even got to touch his drink, and she'd lost the taste for hers. She'd gotten the information that she'd needed, along with confirmation that Derek would handle his end of the investigation a little differently going forward given the ill will between his superior and Graham.
"You didn't, by chance, drive here, did you?" Brook asked Theo, setting her glass of wine down next to Derek's watered-down drink. "I need a ride back to the office, and I'd rather not take another taxi."
"I can just give you a ride home," Theo suggested as he remained standing.
"I have some things to pick up from the office," Brook explained as she stood and began to gather her belongings. She glanced at Derek, who had followed suit. The fact that his winter dress coat was folded over the arm of the sofa told her that he'd yet to go to his room. "Have a safe flight back, and we'll be in touch."
"Good luck at the Snyder residence tomorrow."
It wasn't long until Theo and Brook were walking out of the hotel and into the bitter cold outside. He handed over his ticket to the valet before he began to put on his leather gloves. She'd already wrapped her scarf around her neck and was currently scanning the sidewalks for anything—more notably, anyone—out of place.
"What was that about back there?" Theo asked as he studied her. She'd made sure to stand on his left side so that he didn't have to turn to monitor her reactions. "Not that I'm not grateful for you calling it a night, but there seemed to be some tension between the two of you."
"Derek admitted that his supervisor wasn't happy that he took our advice and reopened Kelsey Elliott's murder investigation," Brook replied quietly. The rest of what she and Derek had discussed would remain between the two of them. "And you?"
Brook didn't have to expand on her question. She'd waited for him to come to her, but it was clear that something was going on with him. Now wasn't the time for him to get distracted, especially since she had her own drama to contend with if the two missed phone calls from Jennifer Madsen was anything to go by.
"I get these headaches every now and then." Theo sniffed and shifted his shoulders as if to say it wasn't anything that he couldn't handle. "Last couple of days have been worse than usual, but it'll pass. It's nothing to worry about."
Once again, Brook chose to let the discussion go until he forced her hand. She didn't want to be the type of managing director who hovered over every aspect of her team's lives. If Theo were to step into the role of second-in-command, especially if the firm was to bring on a receptionist or any other type of assistant, he would need to be mentally and physically prepared to handle the responsibility.
"I'll take you at your word, Theo." Brook took a step forward when she spotted Theo's black Jeep Wrangler pull up next to the curb. "We have a busy day lined up tomorrow. I need you on the top of your game."
Chapter Eighteen
January 2022
Tuesday — 11:58pm
He'ddoneeverythinginhis power to make sure that Les Snyder took the fall for all seven murders. His father had always taught him to have multiple plans in place, not that he had ever intended to need the alternatives.
Unfortunately, Brooklyn Sloane had forced his hand early on.
Just how idiotic did she think he was? He would have taken offense had he not discovered how she'd linked the seven cases together. She was smart. Then again, why wouldn't she be? She was the sister of a highly-intelligent psychopathic serial killer. She was fruit from the same seed.
As for the middle son of the great General James Snyder, it was nothing to lose sleep over. As a matter of fact, he would take great pleasure in watching the Snyder family grieve once again over the loss of yet another loved one.
He was also far from done with this new hobby of his.
S&E Investigations was hampering his efforts to rid the world of filth, but he'd come up with another way to make sure that their attention was drawn elsewhere for a while.
Come morning, the day would look a whole lot brighter in the eyes of the righteous.
Chapter Nineteen
Brooklyn Sloane
January 2022
Wednesday — 9:11am
Brookstoodinfrontof the whiteboard that listed the names and photographs of their current suspects. Quite a few had been crossed off during their morning meeting. It had taken everyone to consolidate information via Sylvie and be able to weed out the potential unsubs to around five names.
Unfortunately, the one who basically had all signs pointing to him was Les Snyder.
From what Bit and Sylvie could string together from the man's social media presence, finances, and business connections, Les had been in the vicinity of each murder at the time they had occurred, along with having the additional time to frame the other men for his crimes.