Page 62 of Longing for Sin
"Yes." Sylvie tore her gaze away from the one connection that they most likely would never have made if it hadn't been for Brook. She then focused on the second man about to enter the building. "I mean, not about being psychic. Bit, we need to call 911, Theo, and NCIS. Now."
Bit agreed as he practically ran over to the door of his office space. He slammed it shut, automatically locking them inside to give both of them additional protection.
"Wait," Sylvie called out as she'd reached for her cell phone. "We need to turn off the main lighting in the office. No one besides Brook knows that we are here, Bit. We need all the advantage that we can get if things go sideways."
"Fuck. Fuck, fuck, fuck," Bit muttered as he fidgeted with his grey knit hat. "Fine. I think you should know something, though. I've never fired a weapon. As a matter of fact, I've never even held a gun. That leaves me with just one question—where's the fire escape?"
Chapter Twenty-Nine
Brooklyn Sloane
January 2022
Thursday — 12:03am
"Whateverevidencethatyouhave needs to be given to Mason," Daniel said as he shook the snow from his hair. He took off one of his gloves and ran a hand through the wet strands. "He can convince a judge to overturn his ruling on Les' bail."
Brook hadn't had time to fill Graham in on her theory, but the attendance of Daniel Snyder and Mason Cooper had basically solidified her belief that the man responsible for Kelsey Elliott was standing before them.
Mason Cooper.
She should have caught on sooner, preferably when he'd first been in her office.
He'd mentioned his previous relationship with the youngest Snyder son, something that she should have followed up on. While he wasn't a military lawyer, he had close enough ties with the families, which aligned with her profile. Brook was confident that Nick Dorn would confirm that Mason Cooper had asked to be kept in the loop as a courtesy to the families involved.
Mason was also left-handed.
Furthermore, he'd mentioned that she and Theo had left the hotel together after having drinks with Derek, but he could only have known that if he'd been in the vicinity or he'd watched the security tape of the comings and goings of the hotel. Derekcouldhave mentioned it during their time together in the interrogation room, but she hadn't overheard such a disclosure.
All Brook needed was for Bit to give her that one thread that was tied to Project Grey Skies. It had to be there. She was certain of it, but she wouldn't act on anything until she had that link.
From there, everything else would fall into place.
Mason most likely attempted to join the military at the age of eighteen, only to be told that he had some sort of physical condition prohibiting him from doing so.
Other factors would be confirmed along the way.
Right now, it was imperative Graham be taken out of this scenario. Mason had been backed into a corner, and he'd panicked. He'd tried to stick to his own method that he'd somehow convinced himself wasn't out and out murder. In doing so, he hadn't counted on so many moving parts in such a short time.
Unfortunately, his current mindset was unraveling.
"Graham, why don't you go ahead and drive over to Mrs. Snyder's residence? You mentioned that you were heading there after our talk, anyway. She could use the support until we get things all squared away." Brook waited a moment before continuing, hoping that he would understand her request and not take matters into his own hands. "Please tell her that we have an APB out on Nick Dorn. We'll contact her as soon as he is in custody. And please don't bother NCIS Agent Ento, like you indicated you wanted to do earlier. He has enough on his plate."
Mason was standing near Daniel, although closer to the door. He was quiet. Too quiet. He was most likely studying their mannerisms to try and decipher if they'd figured anything out. Daniel fell right into her trap, but Graham responded first.
"I can do that," Graham agreed, though she couldn't tell if he'd gotten her signal that she needed him to call for backup. "Daniel, I take it I will see you at the house in a bit? I don't believe that there is anything new that Brook can tell you about the investigation until Nick Dorn is apprehended."
"Daniel, feel free to go with General Elliott," Mason replied, even going so far as to put his hand on the man's shoulder. "I'll collect anything Ms. Sloane has compiled that I believe might help convince the judge to release Les on bail. I told you that this could take a while. I'll call you as soon as he's out."
Brook breathed a sigh of relief that Mason was willing to let the two men vacate the premises. She held out hope that Bit and Sylvie would stay out of sight. It wouldn't do for Mason to feel threatened in any way. As she'd mentioned several times over the last week, he wasn't the typical serial killer they'd dealt with before.
"Are you sure? I feel like I should—"
"I'm sure," Mason replied with a reassuring smile. "We'll get your brother out on bail while the police and NCIS get their priorities straightened out. Les never should have been arrested, and I'll do everything in my power to make sure that he's a free man before long. Didn't I do the same for Charlie?"
"Alright," Daniel replied reluctantly as Graham shifted the dark grey scarf higher up on his neck. He hadn't even glanced her way, feigning a natural air about him that he had already mentally moved on and was concentrating on his upcoming visit with Brenda. "Call me the moment you're able to get a meeting with the judge. Mom and I can meet you there if you need us. It's not like we're going to get any sleep tonight, anyway."
"Will do," Mason agreed, shifting so that he was standing closer to Brook. She didn't let on that his close proximity only served to unnerve her. All she had to do was keep him distracted long enough for Graham to call Theo, Adrian, and the police. It wouldn't be long until Mason was in custody. "You might want to give your father a call to let him know that we have everything under control. I'm sure that someone has already informed him of Les' arrest. I can't imagine how helpless he feels being deployed overseas while yet another one of his children is in so much trouble."