Page 21 of Corrupted By Sin
Then again, working backward did have disadvantages.
Bit had brought her the printed photos that she’d requested before deciding that he was too tired to head home. He’d opted for Theo’s couch. Brook wasn’t sure how long he would be asleep, so she made sure to request that he close the door in case he was still sleeping when Millie came into the office for her ten o’clock meeting.
Brook relinquished her hold on the computer mouse and picked up her tablet. She couldn’t stop the small smile at reading the name of the user who had finished inserting information into the Kolsby file.
Theo hadn’t let his personal life interfere with the case.
He’d uploaded the notes from his conversation with Officer Soerig last night.
Brook quickly perused the notes, pausing when she landed on Brett Kolsby’s name. He’d been in his father’s room at the time Officer Soerig had questioned Dr. Kolsby. The officer had highlighted the son’s unusual reaction by remaining completely silent during the interview. Accusations of murder had been discussed, and it was odd that the older son hadn’t come to his father’s defense nor basically made any comment at all.
Brett Kolsby could very well be the weak link that could either convict or exonerate his father.
Chapter Nine
Brooklyn Sloane
December 2022
Monday — 9:38am
Asmoothblanketofsnow covered the large front yard of Dr. David Kolsby’s residence. The six thousand, four hundred, and eighty-three square foot house was grand in its stature. The beige and tan brick exterior had been professionally decorated for the holidays. Brook came to such a conclusion because no ladder that a regular homeowner owned could have hung the extravagant wreath from the high entryway. She could only imagine what it looked like at night with all its lights shining brightly.
She remained inside her Volvo S90 as she took in the sight before her.
She’d parked on the circular drive that had not one spot of ice or snow on its heated surface. There were no other vehicles nearby, but the driveway had forked a few yards back. If she’d veered left instead of right, she was almost certain the driveway would have taken her somewhere around the rear of the property. She assumed that was where the large multi-bay garage was for the homeowner’s fleet of vehicles.
Dr. Kolsby had most likely stayed in the residence after his second divorce due to the impression of owning such an estate conveyed to visitors.
After all, he had appearances to maintain.
The interview with Millie hadn’t provided anything of relevance. While Brook had been hoping that Dr. Kolsby had provided more detail in his alleged confession, that hadn’t been the case.
She’d also spoken to Millie’s protective detail.
Nothing had seemed out of place since they’d started monitoring the woman’s surroundings. It was all boiling down to Brook’s opinion after she spoke with the good doctor himself.
Did S&E Investigations have any grounds to pursue the good doctor or not?
During Brook’s interview with Millie, both scenarios had been laid out on the table. Millie was well aware that all the firm could do was look into her allegations. If it was determined that Dr. Kolsby was as upstanding as his reputation made him out to be, then it wasn’t right to keep picking apart the man’s life.
Brook didn’t bother to put on her leather gloves before vacating her car. She didn’t plan to be outside too long, and the walk to the front entrance was relatively close to the circular drive. Once she was standing in front of the oversized double doors, she didn’t waste any time ringing the doorbell.
She didn’t put too much stock in the fact that she was left outside longer than usual since someone was expecting her. From her understanding, Dr. Kolsby employed a housekeeper, as well as a professional cleaning service that came in weekly to clean the house from top to bottom. Sylvie’s research had turned up a few more odds and ends of interest, but nothing that screamed the man’s guilt.
“Hello,” a beautiful woman greeted with a hesitant smile. “You must be Brooklyn Sloane. My father is expecting you.”
“You must be Catherine.”
Catherine Kolsby was the epitome of class. Money had nothing to do with how she carried herself, either. She was confident, and not only of her appearance. She was also a recent graduate from law school. She’d already passed the state bar, and she’d been hired as a first-year associate at a prestigious law firm in D.C.
She was definitely on the fast track.
“May I take your coat?” Catherine asked after she’d closed the door and taken a step back. “Peg, our housekeeper, is at a doctor’s appointment. She made sure to set out refreshments for us before leaving. My father and brothers are waiting in the den.”
Brook hadn’t expected to speak with the entire Kolsby family. She found it interesting that Catherine lived elsewhere with her fiancé, yet she still referred to the housekeeper in a possessive manner.
Words were important in a case like this one, and Brook found herself wishing she’d brought Theo along for this interview. He and Sylvie had split up the list of hospital staff who had attended to Dr. Kolsby in the days after his surgery.