Page 44 of Corrupted By Sin
Sylvie Deering
December 2022
Friday — 9:29am
Thelowmurmursofconversation being carried out by the crowded café practically drowned out the holiday music spilling from the hidden speakers. Red garland was strung somewhat haphazardly from the ceiling with tiny, silver jingle bells dangling every two feet or so. Most of the baristas had on Santa Claus hats, while two others had opted for red noses and reindeer headbands.
Sylvie stepped to the side so that an older woman could collect two hot beverages after the barista had called out her name. She must have been out Christmas shopping, because she had two department bags slung over one forearm and a plastic bag with some type of toy inside on the other.
Sylvie stayed where she was now that Susan had headed for the exit. Joey, on the hand, was grabbing two hot chocolates to bring to the table that his wife had snagged at the front of the café.
Sylvie’s focus was on the small table tucked into the back corner where two men were having a deep discussion. She’d expected to find Devin Cranston here, but she hadn’t counted on Nolan Kolsby. It shouldn’t have come as a shock, though.
Brook had texted everyone last night after her meeting with Dr. Kolsby. First thing this morning, Bit had delved into the background of Devin Cranston. If he was the biological son of another man, there was no hard evidence to back it up other than obtaining the permission of a DNA test through the courts. That wasn’t even in the realm of possibility, but that didn’t mean that the question couldn’t be asked outright.
As for friendships, Brett had distanced himself from Devin. While the same had been assumed of Nolan, those supplying such information either had the wrong assumption or they’d purposefully mislead the investigation to protect the middle son.
She stepped forward and grabbed her Chai tea. She’d been monitoring the couple at the table closest to Devin and Nolan. According to their body language, they were about to throw away their cups and leave. Sylvie slowly began to make her way over so that no one could cut in front of her and lay claim to the table.
Her cell phone vibrated, but she didn’t reach into her purse.
Sylvie gave the man at the table a small smile so that he would realize someone was waiting for the table. He motioned to his wife to grab the sugar packets that she’d used, as well as the wooden stir stick. Before too long, Sylvie was a mere five feet from Devin and Nolan.
“…questioned your dad yet?”
“Dad was brought into the station yesterday, but he made sure that his lawyer was there to fend off any questions,” Devin said, keeping his voice low. Sylvie could sense the weight of his stare, but she paid him no mind as she pulled out her phone. She’d already taken off her gloves and shoved them inside her purse. “They didn’t have enough to arrest him. He didn’t do this, Nolan. Is that why you called me? To see if I’d rat out my own father so that you could take the heat off your family?”
“No.” It was Nolan’s turn to see if Sylvie was paying them any attention, so she purposefully dug her earbuds out of her purse. He seemed to wait to continue until she appeared to be listening to music on her phone. She even tapped her foot in rhythm as she stared at the door, making it seem as if she was expecting someone to join her. “Look, you and I haven’t seen eye to eye on a lot of things, but don’t you find it odd that your father gets a call to meet someone right where there are four bodies found the next day?”
Sylvie almost dropped her phone, because she hadn’t expected to gather much information from today’s run-in let alone something so substantial. Detective Raines had been able to get a warrant for Devin’s phone logs, which meant that Bit had been able to track Devin’s phone itself. It had been her intention to question him, but this was extremely more beneficial. As far as Sylvie was aware, Dr. Cranston hadn’t said a word about receiving a phone call the evening that he’d driven from the country club to the burial site. She’d have to double check the report that they had received from Detective Raines.
“I don’t think we should be talking about this in public,” Devin replied as he glanced over the numerous tables in the café. Sylvie could once again sense the weight of his stare, but the two men seemed satisfied that she wasn’t listening in on their private conversation. Their voices were rather low, and Sylvie had to strain to hear each and every word. “I’m telling you that my dad was set up. Maybe the same thing is happening with your dad. You said that his nurse was the one to report those things to the police. Have you checked into her?”
“Dad was the one who suggested my brother and sister throw me to the wolves, not that nurse.” Nolan pushed back his chair. “I’m sure it’s only a matter of time before the police reach out to me, and I have no reason not to tell them about you and Andrea.”
“We didn’t—“ Devin had raised his voice, but he quickly stopped talking. “I never saw Andrea after that night, and I had no idea that she was missing, let alone dead. I just assumed she’d quit after we got caught that night. Wait a second. Nolan, are you telling me that you think I’m respons—”
“I don’t know what to think, but I know one thing,” Nolan stated as he stood and tapped the table with his knuckle. “I’m getting my own lawyer, and it certainly won’t be my sister or my dad’s team of shysters.”
Sylvie looked down at the display of her phone to give herself something to do while Nolan grabbed his jacket from the back of his chair. He didn’t wait to hear what Devin had to say as he pushed aside anyone who got in his way as he headed for the exit. She would need to explain the situation to the team before suggesting that Theo be the one to speak with Devin. It wouldn’t be wise for him to discover that she was employed by S&E Investigations.
There was no need to add fuel to the fire.
Devin remained at the table, his decision to do so essentially keeping her seated as well. His cell phone had been on the table, but he didn’t pick it up until Nolan had left the café. He quickly called someone before impatiently waiting for the other person to pick up the line.
Sylvie reached for her Chai tea now that the beverage had cooled off a bit. She savored a long sip while feigning interest in one of the apps on her phone. In her old life, she never would have considered eavesdropping the way she’d just done in order to obtain information. She had mostly been assigned to a desk, given the appropriate spreadsheets and documents to peruse then correlate the data into a cohesive report, ultimately expected to provide her opinion on an investigation. It had usually been either for the Bureau’s white collar or counterintelligence units.
“Dad?” Devin stood and grabbed his jacket before following in Nolan’s footsteps. “I’m going to need my own lawyer. I just spoke with Nolan, and…”
Devin’s voice trailed away, but Sylvie didn’t follow him. She had inadvertently obtained information in a public setting, and she didn’t see the need to push a conversation into a direction that would likely only cause more friction in their case. She was finally able to text the team the details on what she’d overheard between the two men.
She eventually removed the earbuds and stuffed them back inside her purse before planning out the rest of her day. Clearly, something had transpired between Devin, Andrea, and Nolan on the night in question. The two men had gotten into a physical altercation, but had there been something more to it? The fact that Devin had reached out to his father regarding a lawyer told her that the two were close, unlike the impression that Dr. Kolsby had given Brook last night. Sylvie had also had the ability to peruse the facts behind Andrea Firth’s disappearance.