Page 57 of Corrupted By Sin
“I think you’ll see with David’s upcoming speech that all has been forgiven,” Raymond advised with a tight smile. “Those skeletal remains discovered have nothing to do with our most prominent psychiatrist.”
“Unfortunately, the same can’t be said for the hospital’s top cardiothoracic surgeon,” Brook pointed out, not willing to give this man an inch. She didn’t care for the way that he’d cornered her, and she certainly didn’t appreciate his condescending tone. “I don’t believe that Dr. Cranston is here tonight. I’m sure that the hospital board didn’t intentionally revoke any of his privileges or tonight’s invitation given that a person is innocent until proven guilty under the laws of our country. Right, Mr. Bonvoy?”
Brook had raised her voice only slightly, but he’d received her message loud and clear. Raymond was prevented from responding when there was a loud tap of the mic that echoed throughout the room. Everyone’s attention was now focused on Dr. Kolsby, who stood on stage as another round of applause erupted in the room. He even took a slight bow before flashing the crowd a smile, encouraging them for more praise. It was the perfect opportunity for her to step away from Raymond Bonvoy so that she could continue monitoring the body language of the other subjects.
Gary Heinsel met her gaze without apology, even lifting the side of his mouth in a condescending smirk. She’d read over his files twice, and there was no doubt that he’d murdered his brother’s lover. The motive was unclear, but there was no refuting the evidence from the crime scene.
Unfortunately, a technicality in the arrest had gotten the case thrown out, though not before Heinsel had attempted to jump from the roof of the hospital. It was evident that he was aware of who she was and why she was here.
Another interesting note was how Dr. Lance Heinsel was keeping his brother on a short leash. Such a protective nature for someone his age had her believing there was more to the story than maybe an argument gone too far.
Had Lance Heinsel convinced his brother to do something heinous that he couldn’t do himself? Brook couldn’t concern herself with a detour tonight, and she didn’t believe Gary Heinsel had anything to do with the four victims at the burial site.
While she hadn’t rounded out her profile, she was confident about certain aspects that she’d ascertained from the crime scene. The timeline also came into question. Heinsel wouldn’t just change his MO in the middle of a killing spree. Serial killers refined their methods over time. They didn’t just completely change their plan.
Gary Heinsel had been a patient of Dr. Kolsby. Could his involvement with their investigation be that simple? Had Dr. Kolsby been referring to his patient’s crime while being awakened from a medically induced coma? Had an innocent statement led them to a much bigger crime?
There was no mistaking the fact that Millie Gwinn and Donna Laurel shared the same physical features. Laurel had been stabbed to death in a fit of rage while in her apartment, left to take her last breath in a pool of her own blood. There had been no attempt to draw her away from her apartment, no effort to remove her body from the scene, and her vehicle had still been parked in the lot next to her building.
Brook’s phone vibrated, so she quickly pulled the display away from the fabric of her clutch.
Josh Perisot was a last-minute addition to the guest list. Award being given later this evening.
Those two sentences had been sent by Sylvie to let Theo and Brook know that they did not have to question the motive of his presence tonight.
“Thank you, everyone,” Dr. Kolsby said in greeting to the crowd. “Thank you.”
Brook shook her head at a server who had offered her another glass of champagne. She’d already had two flutes to blend in with the crowd, but there was no need to keep up appearances since all the guests’ attention was currently on the man standing on stage. She quickly sought out Brett Kolsby, who was standing next to his date. His gaze wasn’t on his father, though.
Brook followed the man’s line of vision to Theo, who stood out among the crowd with his black eyepatch. However, the accessory wasn’t the reason for Brett’s interest. It was the fact that Theo was standing next to Millie. Though she did have her protective detail close at hand, Theo had engaged in conversation with her about ten minutes ago.
As for Catherine, she had taken the opportunity to have a discussion with her fiancé. She had a smile pasted on her face, but it didn’t quite meet her eyes. She was definitely upset, and Stephen didn’t seem inclined to appease her. As a matter of fact, he pulled his arm away when she attempted to place her hand on his forearm.
“As most of you know, I was in a multi-car pileup a month ago. During my recovery, a dedicated ICU nurse had some concerns about an utterance I may have made that she took to her supervisor.” Dr. Kolsby paused while everyone’s attention focused on Millie, whose gaze darted with unease around the room. “While Millie might have misunderstood the situation, I give her credit for standing up and doing the right thing. We don’t see enough heroics in day-to-day life, do we?”
A round of applause broke out once again, though this time for Millie.
“I know you all have questions about how my subsequent situation led to the remains of four young women, but I pride myself on my work ethic.” Dr. Kolsby paused to let the weight of his words settle over the crowd. “I would not and will not break patient confidentiality. I will not betray my colleagues nor my practice in that manner.”
Brook met Theo’s gaze, both of them astounded by the man’s audacity. He was spinning his involvement and clearly pointing a finger at Dr. Cranston. This evening had been a complete setup, and the hospital board had gone along with it. Millie seemed a bit confused, but it didn’t take her long to comprehend why Dr. Cranston wasn’t in attendance.
Speaking of absences, Brook began to peruse the people standing near Millie. Theo was to her right, and a woman was standing to Millie’s left. The protective detail was close by, but Kyle Paulson was no longer in sight.
Had Kyle gone to one of the bar stations or restrooms?
“One of the reasons that I wanted to address you this evening was to tell you myself that I will begin stepping back from my role at the hospital and my personal practice,” Dr. Kolsby announced before his words were greeted with a few gasps of surprise. Brook had to hand it to the man. He certainly could play to the crowd. “I’m not here to acquire your sympathy, but instead to be a spokesperson advocating for your annual physical. You see, I was recently diagnosed with…”
Brook tuned out Dr. Kolsby’s grandstanding as she continued to survey the spectators. She was pleased by the information that she’d gathered throughout the evening. The only thing that had struck her as odd was that Nolan Kolsby wasn’t in attendance. From her understanding, the Kolsbys usually attended these functions as a family.
On the other hand, Nolan wasn’t happy that his family had brought him into the middle of the investigation as a possible suspect. Brook didn’t necessarily believe that their actions had anything to do with him. The Kolsbys had gone to great lengths to push all the attention onto the Cranstons.
Still, Bit had sent a message that stated Nolan was currently at the family estate. There was only one way to get the answer as to the reason why.
“I’m so sorry to hear about your father’s diagnosis,” Brook murmured to Brett as she finally made her way to his location. She’d noticed that her change in position had garnered Stephen and Catherine’s attention. “I wanted you to know that Nolan has been cleared of any wrongdoing in the case involving the four remains that were found last week.”
Brook certainly had the man’s attention now.