Page 66 of Corrupted By Sin
Theo had texted the group maybe three minutes ago to say that they were about to knock on Averill’s front door. According to the position of the couple’s phones according to Bit’s location application, both Stephen and Catherine were at their residence.
Brook had slowed down her speed, not that she’d been going too fast in the first place. The snow was currently coming down in large flakes the size of Texas and sticking to the ground instantly. Snowplows were out in force, but it shouldn’t take long for Brook to speak with Nolan. Whatever information he divulged to the two of them could be acted upon tomorrow, unless he outright confessed that he had proof of his sister’s misdeeds. Once the police had her in custody, it wouldn’t be long afterward that she gave up whoever had helped her transport the bodies and dig the graves.
“Dr. Kolsby is leaving his residence,” Bit said as he subconsciously rested his right hand against the dashboard. Brook had always prided herself on being a good driver, and Bit was testing her patience. “He’s already at the intersection, so we should have a clear route to his estate by the time we make the next right.”
“What about Nolan?”
“He’s still at the residence, as well as Brett Kolsby.” Bit paused, as if he was double checking his answer. His next statement had her counting to ten again. “Slick spot ahead. Did you see that car fishtail? I think he fishtailed.”
“What about Devin Cranston?” Brook asked, not wanting to be blindsided when they walked into the house. If they were even invited inside the foyer, which wasn’t a given. “What is his location?”
“It looks as if Devin is at his father’s house.”
Everything was falling into place, even the snow, which was something that they could have done without while executing such a high-stakes plan. She probably should have waited until Thursday or Friday to try and speak with Nolan, but there was something odd about him being at his father’s house for the past two days without leaving for so much as a change of clothing. Plus, according to Devin, Nolan had missed a planned meeting at his apartment.
Was there a possibility that Brett and Stephen were innocent? Had they been kept in the dark about Catherine’s jealousy? Were they not the ones who had been helping her dispose of the bodies after all these years?
It was reasonable for Brook to question her own work. She’d been crafting this profile backwards from the very beginning. While the older sibling held the traits of patience, loyalty, and the drive to protect those in their circle, the profile couldn’t account for outside factors.
“Brett and Nolan are both here,” Bit advised as Brook pulled around the circular drive until she was able to put the gear into park. She unfastened her seatbelt. Bit continued to monitor the screen on the tablet. “Dr. Kolsby is about five minutes from his daughter’s residence.”
Brook turned off the engine, not that Bit seemed to notice.
“You’re going inside with me.”
Her statement had certainly garnered his attention.
“I am? I mean, I am. I’m going inside with you.” Bit quickly turned off the tablet and set it down on top of the console. His seatbelt was still fastened. “Shouldn’t we wait for Detective Soerig? She should be here any second.”
“Bit, you’re my backup.”
Brook opened the driver’s side door, doing her best to keep it open against the strong gusts of wind. By the time her boots hit the ground and she’d slammed the door shut, she’d counted to ten once again. The headlights of the van were directed at the section of the circular drive that broke off to take the homeowner around the back of the property.
“Bit, follow me,” Brook instructed quietly after he’d finally joined her outside the van. The snow was falling harder now, but the outer lights coming from the residence gave them ample illumination to follow the tire tracks. “How big of a garage do you think this property has off the main house?”
“It’s an eight-car garage,” Bit said as he lifted his grey scarf higher over his chin to protect himself from the cold. The material matched the knitted hat on top of his head. “Oh, you think…”
“It’s a possibility.”
They both fell into step to make the trek around the side of the house. Her grimace was both due to the falling snow and the fact that they were wasting precious time. Dr. Kolsby was most likely pulling up to his daughter’s residence. Depending on how Theo, Sylvie, and Raines handled the situation, there was a good chance that Kolsby or their lawyers would send everyone packing within a few minutes.
Brook stood to lose her chance to speak with Nolan.
Headlights swept across them before they’d even walked thirty feet. Brook breathed a sigh of relief and quickly turned back to the unmarked cruiser.
“Bit, take off your gloves before we enter the house,” Brook advised as they came to a stop in between the van and Detective Soerig’s car.
“So you have the ability to reach your firearm if the need arises. It’s highly unlikely, but you never want to be caught off guard,” Brook advised as Detective Soerig turned off the engine. She exited the car before closing the door as quietly as possible. Her frown spoke volumes, prompting Brook to give an explanation. “I’m well aware that this situation is unorthodox, but I believe—“
“That a woman is the perp. I know. I read your text,” Hadley replied with disapproval. “If you believe that Catherine Kolsby is guilty, why are we even here?”