Page 39 of Whispers of Sin
“I specifically recall which piece that was, and I do believe that you’ll love the painting over near the…”
Sophia had also noticed Maxwell’s return, and she quickly removed herself from her conversation with Adeline. It wasn’t long before Sophia, Maxwell, and Edna disappeared to the area in front of the center wall.
“Beautiful, isn’t it?”
Sylvie wasn’t as good as Brook at hiding her reactions, but she had sensed Adeline return to the painting that she’d been so enamored with this evening.
“I would say haunting. Unsettling even,” Sylvie replied quietly as the two women stood side by side. “It appears someone purchased it.”
“I did, as a matter of fact,” Adeline replied as she twirled the champagne flute in her hand. “Are you new to town? I must admit that I don’t get out as often as I should, and there are a lot of unfamiliar faces here this evening.”
“Hmm,” Sylvie replied vaguely, hoping to not give away that she worked with Brook. Adeline might be more willing to talk to someone if she didn’t believe that she was an interested party in two murders. No one outside the team was aware the unsub was a female, but the unsub herself had to be aware of the scrutiny her victims had drawn. “It is quite the turnout. I’ve never heard of the artist before, but her work is extremely thought-provoking.”
“I don’t believe that this viewing would have happened if not for Sophia Delacroix,” Adeline praised softly, keeping her voice low so as not to disturb the people behind them.
“Oh? For some reason, I thought I overheard the owner of the gallery say that he was the one who had decided to showcase the artist’s new series.”
“I’m sure that is what Maxwell would like you to believe, but I know otherwise. Sophia has an amazing eye when it comes to art,” Adeline praised in a way that would have anyone suspecting that the two women were close. Sylvie hadn’t gotten that impression upon hearing their previous discussion. “I had to show my support, of course.”
Sylvie tilted her head slightly, realizing that the streak of color resembled not wine…but a ruby. If one were to turn the painting ninety degrees, one might even say it was a pendant.
“Little T, I haven’t been able to see you for a good eight minutes,” Bit said with concern. “I hear you, but I can’t see you.”
“Are you friends with the art curator for the gallery?” Sylvie asked, injecting a bit of admiration in her tone. She was hoping to draw more information out of Adeline. “I don’t believe that I’ve met her yet.”
“And I don’t believe that I caught your name.”
There was an edge to Adeline’s tone that caused Sylvie to finally meet the woman’s probing gaze. Her green eyes were sharp with interest, and it would have been hard for Sylvie not to have picked up the subtle hint of protectiveness. It was then that she recognized the similarities between the two women.
Their hair color might be different, Adeline was the tallest of the two, and their personalities were polar opposites…but their eyes were the same. Somewhere along the way, the team had missed the familial connection when combing through the women’s backgrounds.
Sylvie had no doubt that Adeline Murphy was Sophia Delacroix’s sister.
Chapter Nineteen
Brooklyn Sloane
December 2023
Thursday — 9:49pm
Ahushfelloverthe room as Maxwell Vanderbilt called out for everyone’s attention. The black bowtie of his tuxedo had been perfectly positioned around his collar, and the tailored jacket emphasized the man’s tall, lean frame. He cleared his throat and raised his glass of champagne for all to see.
“I must express my deepest gratitude for your attendance tonight,” Maxwell said, his voice resonating throughout the art gallery. “You all know how much I love the arts. I find solace and inspiration in these various creations. For me, it’s a form of escape…a way to connect with my emotions and thoughts that words alone cannot express.”
Brook stood off to the side, casually observing the crowd as they listened to Maxwell’s closing speech. The various interactions throughout the evening had been very telling, and she now had a better sense of how others had regarded Bella Kadel. Numerous people had quietly inquired how Lorelei had been holding up since news had broken about Piper Zimmer’s murder. Lorelei had handled herself with grace, but it was obvious that the time spent having to give an appropriate response had weighed on the woman.
The possibility that Adeline Murphy could be related to Sophia Delacroix had the potential to change the profile. Sylvie had managed to recognize the connection, which left the door open to several possibilities.
Was Adeline envious of Sophia? Perhaps there was some disconnect, and Adeline believed that she was being protective of Sophia. Or had there been a buildup of resentment that drove Adeline to murder?
There was also a good chance that Adeline and Sophia’s family connection had nothing to do with the murders of Bella Kadel and Piper Zimmer.
“It’s that profound impact of art on the human soul that led me to open this gallery. You see, I wanted to create a sanctuary for artists to freely express their creativity. Give them a space where their masterpieces could touch the hearts and minds of others.” Maxwell sought out the star of this evening’s exhibit, who just so happened to be standing to his right. “I do believe that Lauren Kim has done that for us this evening.”
A round of applause broke out, prompting Lauren to place a hand over her heart in appreciation. Her gaze skimmed over the crowd, but Brook noticed that the woman once again avoided looking directly at the Jamesons. As a matter of fact, Lauren had done her best to evade ever having to speak with the couple.
“I am thrilled to announce that all of Lauren’s artwork has been sold, and ten percent of the profit will go back to our beloved hometown. To say that I am honored to be among the storefronts that line our main thoroughfare is an understatement, and I will always do my part to ensure that Harbor continues to flourish,” Maxwell continued with a slight bow to acknowledge another round of applause. “Here’s to the success of this wonderful event and the continued prosperity of our beloved art community.”