Page 47 of Whispers of Sin
Theo had explained to Rachel’s roommate that something had occurred at last night’s exhibit that had him and his firm needing to speak to everyone on the catering staff. It was then the woman had confessed that she’d asked Rachel to fill in. Had it merely been a coincidence that Rachel Lee had been at the art exhibit, or had it been by design?
“I don’t like this,” Theo muttered after Bit’s voice had come through their earpieces to let them know that Robert and Lorelei Jameson’s vehicle had just pulled up out front. “This unsub…I get the feeling that she likes having you as an adversary.”
“The unsub doesn’t view me as an adversary so much as an ally,” Brook replied softly as she finally spotted Detective Hartley. He was standing just inside the dining hall with a drink in his hand. Not surprisingly, it appeared to be a club soda. “We need to change her viewpoint tonight.”
Brook thought she heard Bit murmur something about her being a badass, but that was far from the truth. There was no certainty that her decision to basically answer the unsub’s question would garner them any leads. Theo was right to be cautious about taunting a killer, which was why Brook was going to take this evening one minute at a time.
As if on cue, Robert and Lorelei Jameson entered the country club.
Robert was immediately scouring the guests in his bid to speak to whoever it was he’d wanted to engage with this evening, while Lorelei had pasted a smile to her face. Two major events in two days. Brook wasn’t sure how the residents of Harbor could continuously attend these types of functions without needing a break from time to time.
“Ms. Sloane. Mr. Neville.” The initial greeting had come from Robert, though it was clear that he didn’t want to waste too much time with them. He was used to delegating, and it was obvious that was how he viewed their services. “How is the investigation coming along?”
“We’re making progress,” Brook replied after accepting a flute of champagne. “We do appreciate you putting our names on the guestlist.”
“You’ve done more in the span of a week than Hartley has done in a year,” Robert said with an edge to his tone. “Speaking of the detective, I’m surprised to find him here. He never attends these functions.”
“I requested his presence,” Brook admitted, acquiring two surprised expressions. “While this is now a federal investigation, Detective Hartley’s contributions have been invaluable.”
Robert appeared to want to contradict her statement, but Theo smoothly added his own opinion to prevent their clients from being distracted from the goal this evening.
“As Brook mentioned, there have been some leads that have developed recently. Nothing concrete, but certainly worth exploring. The connections between the cases are becoming clearer, and we believe some of the guests at this event could provide valuable insights.”
“I certainly hope so,” Robert replied, seemingly appeased by the reassurance. “Shall we head inside the dining room?”
Brook fell into step beside Lorelei as the men gestured for them to be the ones to lead. Lorelei had worn a simple yet classic black cocktail dress. She had enough diamonds hanging around her neck, clasped to her wrists, and adorned on her fingers that Robert might have trouble with his Christmas shopping this year…or not. Maybe jewelry was such a standard gift that he had his assistant place a standing order every holiday. With that said, the couple’s affection for one another appeared genuine.
“It’s beautiful, isn’t it?” Lorelei said wistfully as they walked underneath the large arch that was glistening with strands of twinkling garland. “Bella always loved Christmas.”
Beautiful was an understatement. Whoever the country club had hired to design this year’s holiday theme party had outdone themselves. Decorated wreaths with luxurious red and green ribbons had been centered in each of the windows overlooking the bay. With the thick cloud coverage overhead, pitch blackness had replaced the usual nightly scenic view of the bay. Such a background set the stage for several beautifully decorated Christmas trees that came close to reaching the height of the window frames. There wasn’t a branch that wasn’t laden with shimmering ornaments, baubles, and sparkling ribbon that had been expertly woven in between the pine needles.
The centerpiece was a glorious Christmas tree that towered in the center of the dining room, though this particular tree had been adorned with gold, silver, and white decorations with steady lights. It was almost as if they dared not blink for fear of not being the main attraction.
“Look up, dear.” Robert urged, prompting Lorelei to slowly lift her gaze to the sprigs of mistletoe that hung from several of the chandeliers. They had been deliberately tucked amongst the fresh evergreen foliage and fragrant pinecones draped from each light fixture. “You’ll get your wish, Lorelei. I promise.”
Lorelei gave her husband a small smile before he kissed her and excused himself when someone called out his name. Robert made his way over to a group of gentlemen while Lorelei turned to face Brook and Theo.
“Robert trusts Jordan Miles explicitly, which means that he has full faith in your ability to find out who murdered Bella,” Lorelei said as she tucked her black clutch underneath her right elbow. Her hopeful gaze switched between Brook and Theo. “I do, too. Tell me what I need to do tonight.”
“Mingle. Let us know if anyone is acting strange or if someone says something peculiar about Bella.” Brook caught sight of Michael Davis. He was standing off to the side and staring in their direction. “No matter how innocent the words might be, Lorelei. Understand?”
“Of course.” Lorelei looked around before setting her purse down on one of the tables. Delicate gold and silver confetti resembling magical snowflakes had been sprinkled over the white tablecloth. Each centerpiece was made of fresh evergreen foliage that matched those hanging from the chandeliers, along with delicate white roses. “Please, sit with us for dinner.”
Brook’s weapon was in her purse, and she wasn’t about to leave it unattended at a table. She merely nodded her acceptance of the invitation before removing a napkin from the holiday plate. She then rested it on the chair’s cushion so that others would know the seat was taken. Theo did the same before walking over to where Michael Davis still observed them from afar.
“Is there anyone you would like me to introduce you to?” Lorelei asked as she motioned for one of the servers to come closer. She plucked a champagne flute from the tray as she swept her gaze across the room. Several of the waitstaff maneuvered gracefully between the guests, each carrying platters laden with delectable hors d’oeuvres. “I see that Maxwell Vanderbilt is here, along with his new eye candy.”
“Eye candy?” Brook was intrigued by such an admission. “I thought that you and Robert were good friends with Maxwell.”
“We are,” Lorelei said as she lifted her arm and wiggled her fingers in Maxwell’s direction. “That doesn’t mean Maxwell doesn’t have his weaknesses. This is the third blonde he’s had on his arm within the last three months. If he sticks to his normal routine, the next one will be a brunette.”
Speaking of hair color, Brook hadn’t yet caught sight of Rachel Lee.
“Lorelei, I do have a question regarding one of Bella’s old high school friends. Rachel Lee. What can you tell me about her?”
“Rachel?” Lorelei appeared confused at first, but that probably had to do with her believing the person who murdered her sister was a man. Once again, she misunderstood the reasoning behind the question, and she jumped to conclusions. “Oh, no. Was she—”
“No, Rachel is fine. I just know that Rachel had been reaching out to Bella in the weeks before her death. I’d like to speak with Rachel. Just in case Bella mentioned something during one of their phone conversations.”