Page 20 of An Exclusive Game
“Thank you for tonight, it was…” I grasp for the right word. “Illuminating.” I don’t dare ask about a repeat invitation—much less a membership.
Alessa laughs. “You’re not what I expected, Natalie. Not at all. I still can’t quite figure you out.” She leans in, her smile almost conspiratorial. “But I intend to peel back all your layers.”
I force a coy smile. “We’ll see about that. Goodnight, Alessa.”
I can feel her eyes following me as I slip outside. The night air hits my skin, crisp and sobering after the club’s warm and humid interior. Blending into the stream of pedestrians on the main street, it occurs to me that I was supposed to call the limo for a pickup before I made my way out, but I forgot.
I make my way down the block before glancing back. No one seems to have followed. I suppose I could pick up a cab as long as no one sees me do it—I certainly don’t want to chance the subway, not with these jewels around my neck, and I don’t want to wait around here while the limousine comes.
All at once, I feel very vulnerable as I walk down the street, like the jewels I’m wearing are flashing an invitation to any nearby muggers. I hail the first cab I see, and gratifyingly, it comes to a screeching halt.
Guess I look like I’m good for a big tip.
My mind replays the night’s events during the ride home. Dancing with Alessa, bodies intertwined…I shake my head sharply, annoyed at how badly I played things tonight. Aside from laying eyes on those doors I never got into, I’m no closer to uncovering Alessa’s secrets.
And I fled from her when things started feeling a little too intimate—even though that was my whole game tonight.
Doubt needles my confidence. The team is relying on me, and I’m fumbling in the dark. Alessa de Luca is not the kind of woman I find easy to understand, which makes it all the more difficult to understand how to play her.
I’ve been so damn flighty, running hot and cold, and that’s not part of the plan, not as far as the psychological profile went. I was supposed to come on subtly, get that membership, and then we’d be at leisure for me to investigate the Ruby.
Back at the Park Avenue apartment, I sink onto the sofa, elbows on my knees and head in my hands. The surroundings feel suffocating, the luxuries ill-fitting on my skin as I admit to myself: I really am attracted to Alessa de Luca.
But this isn’t my life.
And Alessa de Luca certainly isn’t my woman.
I’ve never had one. Not really. I’ve been so focused on my career that sex and dating came a distant second. Until now, my career has been my only focus. That’s why I gunned for this operation when it was being floated. A guaranteed promotion if I can be part of the team that hurts the Mancini Family.
And it’s baffling to me that a woman like Alessa should now be the one thing tripping me up.
Weariness settles on my shoulders, the night’s adrenaline fading, and I head to the bedroom, strip down fast, don’t even bother washing off my warpaint. But sleep proves elusive as I lie in the imposing canopy bed, mind racing.
I thought I was prepared for this mission, but self-doubt is creeping in. With a restless sigh, I force my eyes closed, willing sleep to claim me. But behind my eyelids, I still see Alessa’s searing green eyes.
Still feel her hands on my waist as we danced.
Still wonder about that last, long look she gave me, and the promise she made.
I intend to peel back all your layers.
My eyes flutter open as faint rays of morning light creep through the curtains. For a moment, everything is still and quiet. Then thoughts of her flood my mind—Natalie Moreau.
I stretch beneath the luxurious silk sheets, perplexed. Never before has a woman resisted my charms so completely. My flirtations, my sultry looks, my subtle invitations…all deflected. I’m accustomed to having my way withveryminimal effort, yet Natalie slipped through my grasp like wisps of smoke.
Irritation rises briefly, but fascination quickly overrides it. She’s an enigma, an unpredictable element in my world of measured risks and rigged rewards. The novelty is intriguing, I’ll admit. I do enjoy the unexpected.
I meant to seduce her last night, to tease her until she melted into my arms. I’d planned to draw her into a private room, to show her exactly how giving I can be for an hour or two, and then be done with this strange fixation. But those normally warm brown eyes froze me out, right near the end before she left. Before I could make a real move, she turned heel and rushed from the club as though it were a den of vipers.
Her loss, of course.
Still, the rejection stings.