Page 4 of An Exclusive Game
Her ‘donation’ will serve the greater good.
Bell continues, “Miller’s goal is to gain de Luca’s trust and get access to the inner workings of the club. No one gets into the Ruby Realm without a membership, and getting a membership is damn near impossible these days. De Luca’s been cracking down ever since her cousin Juno took over the Bianchi Family.”
My heart speeds up a little as I contemplate the job. I’ve been undercover before, but never solo. And never using my sexuality as a weapon. The deception required goes against my instincts for honesty. But one look at the faces of my team reminds me what’s at stake. If taking down criminals like Alessa de Luca means dulling my conscience for a while, it’s a price I’m willing to pay.
“Miller,” Bell says, grabbing my attention again, “will be going undercover as wealthy heiress Natalie Moreau. Her father made a fortune in real estate, but he died in a tragic yachting accident six months ago. We planted stories back then, so they’ll be available for a search, along with everything else necessary for her cover. Natalie Moreau is known for her philanthropy and love of art, but also her—shall we say—excesses.”
“And she has a kickass wardrobe,” Chang says, as more team members wheel past several racks of high-end clothes. “Damn, girl. You gonna lookgood,” she sighs wistfully.
“Blending in with de Luca’s world will be crucial to gaining her trust,” Bell snaps.
I try to look completely unconcerned about the clothes, but Chang’s right. They’re amazing. When I went for the fittings, I just about died at the prices.
Still, I’m not sure I like the idea that I was chosen for this job purelybecauseI’m a lesbian. Bell assured me it wasn’t that—but he couldn’t quite look me in the eye for longer than a second while he did.
Bell goes on with the briefing, but I find my mind wandering. I’ve heard most of this before, many times. I’m wondering if I’ve actually got the guts to pull it off, now that I’m standing here in what’s supposed to be my apartment. Because this…
This isn’t me.
I look around at the gold fixtures and marble statues, the impeccable and expensive taste evident in every design choice.
Verynot me, the Midwest small town girl who grew up in a loving but decidedly lower-class family. But it’s who I have to become, at least for a while. I need to blend in and gain Alessa’s trust, all while maintaining my own principles and dedication to justice.
Wright must sense some hesitation just like Hays did, because when the team is asking a few questions, he wanders closer and drops his voice. “You still good with all this? I know it’s asking a lot.”
I give him a resolute look. “It’s the job. And it needs doing.”
He searches my face to ensure I mean it. Then he squeezes my shoulder. “You need me, anytime, I’m just a call away.”
We discussed my wearing a wire during this job, but decided to can that until I’d built up a little trust at least. We can’t know what’s behind those leather-padded doors of the Ruby Realm. And frankly, I’m a little relieved. I think I’ll lie better if I can do it without anyone listening in.
So I just nod at Wright and give him the smile he’s waiting for.
“Regarding surveillance,” Bell continues, “we’ve set up cameras and microphones throughout this apartment, just in case, and we’ll be monitoring 24/7, so don’t hesitate to reach out if you need assistance or if anything goes wrong. However, Miller and I agreed that wearing a wire is something that might come down the track. No point getting made early—something that happened with one of our guys earlier today. De Luca is jumpy right now, to say the least. She managed to feel the tail hanging on to her, and he had to ditch. So you go in light, Miller. Be careful. Uninterested, until you have to be interested. Hear me?”
What the hell is that supposed to mean, I wonder? But I just nod.
“Let’s go back to the Congresswoman,” Bell says, shifting gears. “We’re using our leverage to ensure she introduces you to de Luca at this charity auction on Friday night. Our hope is that her vouching for you will pave the way for a membership invitation to the Ruby Realm. So you make sure you play your cards right, Miller.”
With my background and cover story squared away, all that’s left is to slip into character. To bury my doubts and focus on the end goal—bringing justice by any means necessary.
An hour later, the team files out, leaving me alone to get accustomed to the place. I take another long look at the glittering cityscape of New York City shimmering beneath me. The weight of my mission is heavy, and I’m acutely aware of the personal risks involved. My safety hangs in the balance, and one false step could find me with one of the Gentleman’s handkerchiefs laid out over my ruined face.
Alessa de Luca is not an ordinary criminal. She’s charismatic, alluring, and cunning—traits that have allowed her to weave a web of influence throughout the city. In some ways she holds more influence than even her formidable cousin, Juno Bianchi. And as I gaze out at the sprawling metropolis below, I can’t help but think of how many lives have been tainted by de Luca’s activities.
But despite her dark deeds, I found myself drawn to de Luca during my research, in a way I can’t quite comprehend. Beneath that criminal exterior lies a complex, fascinating woman, one who has admittedly used her power to help those less fortunate. Even if it’s a front, a way to launder her daddy’s dirty money, she’s still donesomegood in the world.
But she’s done a lot of bad, too.
It’s this contradiction that gnaws at me. How can someone capable of such charity also be responsible for so much pain?
Somewhere out there, Alessa de Luca is living her life, oblivious to the net tightening around her. This penthouse, like my alter ego Natalie Moreau, is just a facade.
But if, as Bell said, I play my cards right, it will be de Luca’s downfall.
So now it’s time to deal myself into the most dangerous game of all.