Page 54 of An Exclusive Game
And on and on he goes.
Success tonight means vindication for the team’s long hours, sleepless nights, and constant tension.
It means justifying the lies, deceptions, and moral compromises now knotted into my being.
Bell repeats the rendezvous instructions, his voice clipped and precise. I nod along, every detail already etched into my mind, trying not to give in to the dread and fear lurking at the edge of my mind.
I need to get through this. The team depends on me now. There’s no room left for doubt or hesitation.
I turn to leave, avoiding Wright’s resentful stare. He’s not part of the surveillance team tonight, thank God—Bell wanted to be in the van himself, along with Chang, who’ll be running comms, along with a driver from the wider unit.
As for me, my FBI-driven town car is waiting outside, ready to take me to my last meeting with Alessa de Luca. Last meeting, assuming all goes well.
As I head toward the side door, Bell calls out, “Good luck, Miller.”
The team echoes him—even Wright—and their words follow me as the door clicks closed.
* * *
The Ruby Realm feels almost familiar now, the scents and sounds enveloping me as I walk into the lounge—the sweetness of exotic flowers, ice clinking in crystal glasses, the melodic laughter of women relaxing in the lounge.
I wonder if I’ll miss these luxuries when this assignment ends. I know I’ll miss Alessa, even as I mean to betray her again tonight. And that makes me unfit for the job—too enchanted by this world of glittering temptation, too seduced by a sparkling pair of sea-green eyes and soft skin.
Alessa emerges from a group of elegantly dressed women, effusive as always. The sight of her still thrills me, even knowing what I plan to do tonight. Her raven waves tumble over one shoulder, contrasting beautifully with her emerald dress, making her eyes stand out even more. Rubies adorn her neck and ears like drops of blood.
Does her smile seem sharper than usual, or is that just my conscience pricking at me?
“Natalie, darling!” she exclaims, air-kissing my cheeks. “I wassoconcerned when you left early last night, you looked so pale. Feeling better?”
I manufacture an apologetic smile. “So much better. I’m fully recovered thanks to some rest.”
“Wonderful,” she smiles, linking her arm through mine familiarly. “Now we can enjoy ourselves properly.”
Her charm never fails to catch me off guard. I find myself beaming back at her.
I wish I was someone else. Anyone else.
Anyone except Natalie Moreau, about to commit a terrible betrayal… “I’d love to see the casino again,” I say brightly. “I didn’t really get much of a look last night.”
But Alessa’s fingers trail down my arm. “I have private plans for you tonight,” she murmurs. “You simplymustexperience all the delights the Ruby offers.” Her half-lidded eyes meet mine. “I want to show you everything, Natalie. All you need to do is say…yes.”
“Right now?” I squeak.
She leans in close. “You already saw my bedroom. Doesn’t that show you how much you mean to me? I thought we could make use of the private rooms tonight, now that I’ve proven myself to you.”
A jolt of panic surges through me. She’s hinting at details I never shared with the team. I left out all mention of seeing her bedroom.
Maybe no one will notice.
Who am I kidding? Sam Wright will definitely catch that reference.
I force a coy smile, buying time to think. “Well, we’ll have to rectify that tonight.”
She smiles, satisfied. But behind my façade, my mind races. I curse myself for withholding details from the team. Emotional entanglements are forgiven. Even—even sex, as long as it’s revealed immediately and with full cooperation.
But concealing secrets is inexcusable. I’ve let things spiral out of my control.