Page 35 of Cold Hearted
IdriveovertoJohnny's place when it's time to head up to Fern Hollow for the weekend, leaving my car in his driveway. And I don'tplan itthis way...but I end up going in for a quickie before we hit the road.
I can't get enough of him.
I don't know how I'll be able to stay in the car alone with him all the way back to town, when I want nothing more than to jump his bones.
But I somehow manage to extract myself from him after a hot and hard round of fucking, and then we're driving up the highway to Fern Hollow.
It feels right to be here with him, even if it means that I'll have to figure out a way to tell my boss--who I promised I would be honest with--about my relationship with Johnny. That's the kind of thing you have to divulge when you're covering sports, because you can't exactly be objective when you're in one of the players' beds. I've never had this problem before, but with Johnny...
I don't know. Maybe it's my internal clock that's ticking, but I want nothing more than to be fucking him.
And I love it when he talks about babies.
Although...maybe that's just Fern Hollow.
The closer we get, the more I can picture us getting a little cabin up here and having a family of our own. I've gone from zero to a hundred on the idea of settling down, of being a mom--partially because my mom and dad weren't the most kind or loving people--but I'm seriously dead set on being with him.
Come hell or high water...Johnny's changed everything.
"So we need to tell Jake, right?" Johnny asks. "That we've been seeing each other, I mean."
"Take it easy, Johnny," I murmur. "Jake can be...I know you know him as a friend, and that's one thing. But he can bereallyscary when it comes to protecting me. My dad wasn't around much when I was a kid, so Jake always had to be the one to step in, and no matter how old I've gotten, he still sees me as his kid sister."
"Not to mention Sarah," Johnny mutters.
"What about her?"
Johnny shrugs. "She just knows what a fucking player I am. I'm sure she has lots of colorful things to say about me."
I cock an eyebrow. "So you're a player, huh?"
"That's what they say."
"How many people have you been with since the first time we had sex?"
He glances over at me.
"Dead serious," he sighs. "Baby...after the sex we had that first night, no one else could possibly measure up."
"Oh," I breathe. "That's good to hear...I think."
"Did you hear what I said?" Johnny growls. "You're it for me."
"But...are you sure about that?"
"Fuck yeah, I'm sure about that. I want you on me, inside of me, and around me at all times."
"You''re everything I want."
"You don't even know me," I murmur.
He frowns. "Then tell me about yourself."