Page 40 of Cold Hearted
"Come on," he calls out. "Dinner's ready."
We head back into the house, Johnny taking my hand and squeezing it. " Jake really gonna be okay with me dating his kid sister?"
I nod, my heart leaping. "Yeah--I already got the go-ahead from Sarah. And you know...I could even go back to your place in Fern Hollow with you tonight if you want, rather than staying here."
"You sure?"
I give him a sly smile. "Jake doesn't dictate my whole life, Playfair."
Johnny's eyes light up. "I'd love that."
We head back inside to join Jake and Sarah in the kitchen, who have brought out a bottle of wine and are bustling around, setting the table. Johnny winks at me as I sit down next to him, and Carina comes over and tugs on my hand to be helped into a chair.
"Hey, baby girl," I murmur. "You hungry?"
She nods, and I lift her up and get her buckled in. Johnny watches me like a hawk, an expression in his eyes that feels so full of promise I can barely handle it.
Seeing me with a kid...? I knowexactlywhat he's thinking.
"Are you and Uncle Johnny in love?" Carina asks, resting her chin on her fists and gazing at us with doe eyes. "I saw you kissing."
"Just got together and already a bad influence," Jake laughs, shaking his head. I'm about to answer Carina with a write-off, but Johnny reaches for me and takes my hand.
"Well...your Aunt Bird is easy to love, isn't she?" he says.
I feel my heart skip a beat at his words, and I look at him with a soft smile. "Awful forward of you," I chide.
Carina grins widely, happy to have received an answer from Johnny. "Are you going to marry her?" she asks, her eyes wide with excitement.
Johnny chuckles, and I feel his thumb caress the back of my hand. "Maybe one day," he says, glancing at me.
I feel my cheeks heat up, and I look down at my plate, feeling suddenly self-conscious. My heart is pounding in my chest, and I realize that I'm falling for him harder than I ever thought I would.
And even though this just started, I'm already in deep.
I don't want to lose him.
And it's high time I started getting things in order to get off the Pucks beat.
Chapter seventeen
Itfeelslikeagesbefore we're able to say our goodbyes and head back to my house in Fern Hollow.
The place belonged to my granddad years ago, and it's been in my family ever since. I don't normally come up during the off-season, but now I've got Birdie...and this is where I'm going to stay.
I'm ready to quit my job playing hockey, leave it all behind.
I want this.
My hand is on her knee as we drive down the dark, forested streets, her fingers curled around mine. The tension hangs between us--just like it always does--because we're justwaitingto be alone together, waiting for a bed, waiting for the inevitable moment when I'm inside her and she's screaming my fucking name.
I've had a lot of women...but I've never,everwanted someone like this.
"'re gonna marry me, huh?" she asks, squeezing my hand.
"Birdie, I'd marry you right now if you gave me the chance," I murmur. "Drive down to Vegas and tell all our friends when we get back."