Page 136 of Relentless
“Play nice.”
“Only if you promise to join,” JD counters.
“Do you ever stop?” I mutter.
“Nope. Now do you want the details or what?” he asks.
Ringing fills my ears as I sit in my car a little down the street from Devin, Ezra, and Ellis’s place in Maddison County.
Just like most weekends, the party is raging.
It’s hardly a surprise. Everyone who is anyone knows that where the Harrises are, the decent product is.
There might be others trying to earn a living in this town, but just like Daddy Dearest planned, we stormed in here when Dev started at MKU and we’ve practically taken over.
It would have been even easier for them as well if I weren’t in the background messing around, making Victor more enemies and making myself allies.
Not that I expected anything different. Devin and Ezra have fucking killed it. They’ve got themselves involved in every part of life here and made friends in all the right places to ensure they sell out every weekend. And with Ellis in the background, keeping tabs on everything, they’re an unstoppable team.
We’re an unstoppable team. Or at least we will be soon.
Guilt niggles at me as I watch a girl stumble across the road, clearly off her head on something my brothers have given her. But it only lasts so long.
If it weren’t us, it would be others. And the one thing I can say proudly about all of this is that I know exactly where our product comes from. And I know it’s pure. Decent. As it fucking should be.
Others are probably peddling shit laced with rat poison through the halls of MKU. Something I will never do.
These students are looking for a high, an escape, a way to let go. And if selling them our product means they’re not taking other shit, then so be it. I’ll be the bad guy more than happily.
“Sorry, I’m here,” a familiar voice floods through my speaker when the call finally connects.
“About time. Do you know who I am?” I tease.
“Oh, pipe down, young one.”
“What’s the deal then? You got any intel yet?” I ask, anticipation soaring as I wait for our uncle on our maternal side, Griff, to give me something.
“Not as much as I’d like, but we’ve made some progress. I’ve got a contact for you.”
My grip on my cell tightens as relief floods through me.
“Who?” I ask impatiently.
“Luciana Rivera,” he says quietly, as if he’s scared of being overheard.
“Rivera?” I parrot, my eyes wide in shock.
“Yeah, I know. I didn’t see that one coming either,” he confesses.
“What the fuck are the cartel doing getting their fingers in human trafficking?”
“I don’t know. And honestly, I’m not sure how much Luciana knows, but I came across her doing her own digging. I get the impression we’re looking for very similar things.”
“You trust her?” I ask, my brows pinching together in confusion.