Page 43 of Obsession Falls
“So the ex didn’t have anything to do with the squirrel,” Dad said.
Mom shook her head. “No.”
“Maybe,” I said.
“Do you think so?” Mom asked, turning back to me.
Dad crossed his arms. “Are you saying we have a tenant whose ex left a dead squirrel at her house?”
“I don’t know. But I’m suspicious. He comes to the Timberbeast, I chase him off, then she winds up with a dead animal on her doorstep the next morning.”
Mom winced. “That’s disturbing.”
“You’re probably reading too much into it,” Dad said. “There are more squirrels than humans around here. Sometimes they die.”
“It didn’t just die of old age. Something killed it.”
“A coyote, maybe?” Dad asked.
“A squirrel would be a snack for a coyote,” I said. “I doubt one would kill it and leave it behind without eating it.”
“Maybe a bird of prey,” Mom said. “It could have been dropped there.”
“Right in front of her door?”
“The placement is odd,” she said. “But it’s not impossible. An owl could have been flying low and something scared it away before it could pick up its prey.”
“She does have a dog,” I said.
“There you go. I wouldn’t worry too much about it. There’s so much wildlife out here. It was nice of you to give it a funeral.”
Dad’s brow furrowed again.
“Don’t ask.” Hoping to change the subject, I gestured to my half-empty plate. “This is really good, Mom, thanks. Don’t even miss the pasta.”
Mom beamed at me. “Thank you.”
Dad just grunted.
I went back to my food. Dad grunted again, then went to the fridge and took out the rest of the leftovers. I noticed Mom’s smirk, but she didn’t say a word.
Someone knocked on the door. I half-expected one of my brothers to walk in, but Mom set her knitting aside and got up to answer it.
“I’ll get it.”
“Who’s here?” Dad asked.
“Louise. I invited her for tea.”
Dad went back to heating his leftovers.
I thought about making a break for it out the back door. But Mom was already greeting Aunt Louise in the entry.
Too late.
Today’s track suit was forest green, making an odd contrast with her bright pink lipstick. As soon as she caught sight of me, her eyes lit up and her lips pressed into a knowing smile.
“Well, well, well. If it isn’t the town hero.”