Page 57 of Obsession Falls
Max’s back was to me, his tail in the air, as he dug furiously. Dirt sprayed behind him, making a little mound. He was filthy.
“Max, what are you doing?”
He paused and looked back at the sound of my voice, his tongue lolling out of his mouth. Frustrated as I was at his disappearance—I was sweaty as hell—I almost laughed. He really was cute, in a derpy sort of way.
“Come on, Max. Let’s go find your mommy.”
He went back to digging, tossing more dirt behind him. Maybe I hadn’t said the right thing. Dogs knew commands, not actual English.
“Max, come.”
Instead of obeying, he dropped to the ground at a weird angle, neck first, and rubbed himself across something in the dirt.
“Audrey!” I called, hoping my voice would carry far enough that she could hear me. “I found him!”
He twisted and writhed until he was nothing but a ball of fur, undulating on the ground.
“Audrey! This way!”
Since Max wasn’t interested in listening to me, I figured I should at least get ahold of his collar so he couldn’t run off. I started toward him. “Okay, Max. You’re dirty enough. Let’s go.”
In the distance, I heard Audrey’s reply. “I’m coming!”
“Here!” I yelled so she’d know the way.
I approached Max cautiously, not moving too fast. I didn’t want him to think I was there for a game of chase. He rubbed himself in the hole he’d dug again, then rolled onto his back with all four legs in the air, twisting back and forth like he was scratching his spine on the ground.
“You’re ridiculous, you know that?”
When I got a few steps closer, I stopped in my tracks and wrinkled my nose. Something smelled terrible. Where was that coming from?
I looked at Max. Was he covered in dirt or was that something else?
Wincing at the smell, I got closer. He was caked in something brown, some of which was certainly dirt. But dirt didn’t stink like that.
“Fucking hell, dog. Are you serious?”
Audrey rushed through the trees, still in her heels. She had pine needles in her hair and something had ripped the sleeve of her shirt.
“Oh my god, you found him.”
I saw the second the smell hit her. She stopped as if she’d run into a solid wall.
“Whoa. What is that? Oh, Max. Oh, no.”
“I don’t know what he found but it’s probably the worst thing I’ve ever smelled in my life.”
Her eyes started to water and she backed up a step. “What is that? No, I don’t even want to know. Max, how could you?”
He hopped to his feet and shook. Dirt and – whatever else – went flying in all directions, sending the horrible scent with it.
“Ugh.” Audrey plugged her nose with her thumb and the side of her forefinger, using the rest of her hand to shield her mouth. “That’s so gross I might puke.”
“Don’t puke. He’d probably roll in that too.”
“Good point. I’ll have to hose him down at the house. Is there a hose? I don’t have one, so I really hope there’s one in the back.”
“Yeah, there’s a hose. If not, I’ll call one of my brothers to bring one over.”