Page 68 of Obsession Falls
We picked up our tools and brought them to the garage. The last couple of interior doors were propped up against the wall and there was still sawdust on the floor. I needed to spend some time cleaning up in preparation for the next phase of the renovation.
“If you want some dinner, feel free to come up to the house,” Dad said.
The noise of a car approached and I glanced out. Aunt Louise’s beige Buick pulled into the driveway behind my truck.
Dad patted me on the back. “Good luck, son.”
“You’re leaving?”
“She didn’t park behind me.”
I glowered at him. “Thanks.”
She got out, dressed in a hot pink track suit and oversize sunglasses, and waved. “Hi, Paul. Say hi to Marlene.”
“Will do, Louise,” Dad said as he got in his truck.
“Josiah.” She flashed me a bright smile. “Just the man I was looking for.”
The passenger side door of her car opened and a blond woman got out. She was dressed in a tank top and shorts, showing off a lot of tanned skin.
“This is Aida,” Louise said, as if that was supposed to mean something to me.
Aida approached with a smile and held out her hand. “Nice to meet you.”
My brow furrowed as I looked at her outstretched hand.
“Josiah,” Louise chided. “Don’t be rude.”
I took her hand and shook.
“I’m glad we caught you,” Louise said. “Aida needs a ride out to her grandmother’s house. You know my good friend Florence. I’d be happy to take her myself, but I don’t have time.”
“Why not?”
She only hesitated for a second. “I have plans. And you know where Florence lives, it’s in the opposite direction.”
This was so transparent, it was ridiculous. “Really? Plans?”
“I misjudged the time. I feel terrible about it, but you’ll help your auntie, won’t you?”
Aida’s lips were pressed in a smile. I couldn’t tell if she was in on it or if I was being foisted on her as awkwardly as she was being foisted on me.
I let out a frustrated breath. I could stand there and argue or I could take Aida to her grandma’s and be done with it. Maybe Aunt Louise would consider her work done and leave me alone for a while.
“You’re such a dear.” Louise stepped in and popped on her tiptoes to give me a kiss on the cheek. “Have a good evening.”
“Mm hmm.”
She waved to both of us as she scampered back to her car. “Goodbye, you two! Don’t get into any trouble.”
“Of course not, Louise,” Aida said. “It was nice to see you.”