Page 76 of Obsession Falls
He looked at me like I was weird for questioning that. “Yeah. I guess if you’ve never had Gram Bailey’s pie, you wouldn’t understand.”
“Will you share some with me so I can experience this magical pie?”
“I don’t know if I like you that much.” The corners of his mouth lifted and he slid his hands around my waist to the small of my back, pulling me against him. “Then again, maybe I do.”
“That’s very generous of you.”
“Will you go out with me tonight?”
Coming out of nowhere, the question caught me by surprise. “What?”
His eyebrows drew in. “I thought that was how you asked a girl out.”
“No, that’s right, I just didn’t expect it.”
“You didn’t expect me to ask you out?” He pressed me tighter against his muscular body. “What are we doing, then? I’ve been out of the loop for a while, but I thought that was how dating worked.”
I laughed. “Sorry, you just keep taking me by surprise.”
“I told you I’m bad with people.”
“You’re not bad with people. Sometimes you’re just kind of blunt or abrupt.”
“So, yes or no. I’m not good with subtle cues, you’re going to have to be straightforward.”
Smiling, I draped my arms around his neck. “Yes. Definitely yes to a date.”
“Good. I’ll pick you up at six.”
“Sounds good.” As much as I could have stayed there all day, wrapped in Josiah’s arms, I was technically working, even though it was a weekend. “I should probably go do some interviews and take more pictures. This is kind of my first really big assignment and I don’t want to mess it up.”
He leaned down and planted a firm kiss on my lips. “Go get `em.”
Reluctantly, I stepped away, my head swimming. How was I supposed to focus on being a reporter afterthat?
But I did have a job to do. I went back to Sandra and she handed me the camera.
“Not sure if he’s your boyfriend, huh?”
“Yeah, well, we got off to a confusing start. I didn’t want to assume and wind up looking like a bigger dork than usual.” I put the camera strap around my neck. “Where should we head next?”
“This is your gig. You lead the way.”
I looked around at the festival in progress. Lou hadn’t given me much direction. Mostly he’d just grumbled about how no one was going to read it anyway, so I could do what I wanted.
Not exactly an optimistic attitude, but I didn’t really blame him.
Still, if I could make the piece interesting, maybe it would give us a little boost.
“People always like talking about themselves,” I said.
Sandra looked confused. “What?”
“I’m thinking out loud. If people like to talk about themselves, I bet they’d like to see themselves in print. I think that’s the problem with the Tribune. It’s trying to be something it isn’t. We put all the Tilikum stuff in the local section in the middle of the paper. We should lead with it. We’re a small local newspaper, so we should act like it.”
“If you can convince Lou.”
“I’m not going to convince him, I’m going to show him.”