Page 88 of Obsession Falls
“Be sure you do.”
Although there was no way I was going to suggest to my mother that Colin might be the perpetrator, I did wonder if she’d seen him lately and if he’d been acting any different.
“Speaking of people from Pinecrest, you haven’t seen Colin lately, have you?”
“I see him now and again. Why?”
“I was just wondering. I ran into him not that long ago and something seemed off.”
“We both know what’s wrong with Colin.”
I rolled my eyes again. “I know you think he married the wrong woman but they’ve been together for a long time. I’m sure they’re fine.”
“They’re hardly fine. Everyone knows she’s having an affair with her boss.”
If Pinecrest and Tilikum went head-to-head over which town had the biggest gossips, it would be anyone’s game. Something “everyone knew” in Pinecrest could be true or a total fabrication. It was impossible to tell.
“That might just be a rumor.”
“Rumors are usually rooted in truth. I feel terrible for the poor man.”
I wanted to tell her what had happened when I’d seen Colin at the Timberbeast. He had not been acting appropriately for a man who was married to someone else, regardless of whether or not his wife was being unfaithful. But she’d just make excuses for him like she always did.
“Look, I can’t really worry about Colin’s marriage right now. I have bigger problems.”
“Indeed you do. Audrey. I mean it, tell the police this was probably aimed at you because of your family.”
“Okay, Mom, I will.”
“Good. Are you sure you’re safe there?”
There was also no way I was telling her that I’d stayed with Josiah last night. At some point, I’d tell her we were dating, but she didn’t need to know I’d slept in his bed. She’d just find a way to lecture me about it.
“Yes, Mom. I’m safe. And I have friends in town where I can go if I need to.”
“You can always come here. I mean it. Even with the dog.”
I smiled, my expression softening. I knew she actually meant that. “Thanks, Mom. I’ll keep it in mind.”
“Okay. Keep me posted on what the police find.”
“I will. Talk to you later.”
I ended the call. Mother-daughter relationships were so complicated sometimes. Her insistence that this might have had something to do with my father was so frustrating. Of course she’d make it about them, rather than me. But I could hear the concern in her voice, especially when she offered to let me come stay again. She wasn’t perfect and things between us weren’t always the best, but she was still my mom, and she cared.
“Let’s go inside, Max.”
He followed me in and I got him his breakfast. As much as I would have loved to have crawled back in bed with Josiah, I had to go to work.
* * *
The high school gym was packed. Rows of folding chairs had been set up in front of the stage and most of them appeared to be taken. The noise of dozens of conversations echoed off the cavernous walls and there was a buzz of energy in the air.
I’d gone back to Josiah’s house after work and he’d told me there was an emergency town meeting in an hour. That had given me just enough time to change and grab a quick bite to eat.
He took my hand and led me into the gym, past knots of people who hadn’t yet taken their seats.
“Is this a normal turnout?” I asked.