Page 10 of Canadian Spring
She ignored the way her thighs immediately pressed together for relief from the burning desire. She ignored her heart rate as it kicked into overdrive.
The warm spring day felt more like summer heat the longer they were in close proximity to each other.
Snatching her hand back, she crossed her arms over her stomach, trying to regain control. “See, that wasn’t so bad,” Skylar said, looking down at her light green dress, brushing out the invisible wrinkles in the fabric.
Dyllan grunted in response, snapping Skylar’s attention to him.
“Would it be too much to speak your responses instead of grunting like a caveman?”
Dyllan grunted again, crossing his arms over his expansive chest.
This time, Skylar couldn’t ignore the way his black t-shirt stretched over his chest and how his biceps threatened to burst through the sleeves. Colourful tattoos wound up his arms from his wrists and disappeared under his shirt, letting her imagination run wild as to just how far they went.
“Eyes up here, sweetheart.” The arrogance in his voice as he caught her staring irked her.
Putting on the best smile, she swallowed down her irritation. His bearded, backwards-baseball-wearing face irritated her more than anything she’d encountered while also being the single-most handsome face she’d ever seen. “I was just admiring your tattoos. They are art, after all.”
Dyllan grunted.
“Look, I don’t know if you’re channelling your inner Witcher with those grunts, but I would expect the mayor of a town to be a little more eloquent.” She tilted her head as she studied him.
That earned her a chuckle out of him.
Interesting. He does have a sense of humour.
“I can speak just fine, and I’m not here in an official capacity.”
“You’re not like any mayor I’ve ever met.” Crossing her arms over her chest, she didn’t miss how his gaze briefly travelled down to her breasts before snapping back up.
Eyes up here, Grumpy Bear, she laughed to herself.
Dyllan took a step toward her, gripping the back of the bench as he leaned over it. There was less than a foot between them; only the bench prevented her from feeling the wall of muscles that was his chest, seeing if they felt as magnificent as they looked. Stopping her from rubbing her nose into the crook of his neck to see if the intoxicating scent of mint and cinnamon came from him.
“And just how many mayors have you met, doll?” His voice was low, barely a whisper above the breeze.
“I—uh—not a lot.” Her eyes widened as his gaze intensified on her. Her body felt on fire under his scrutiny, and she wasn’t sure if she loved it or hated it.
The corner of Dyllan’s mouth lifted. “So, you have no idea what you’re talking about.”
She held his gaze as he stayed close to her, merely a breath away. Her eyes rebelled and glanced down to his lips, causing her to run her tongue across her own, pulling her bottom lip between her teeth.
The hitch in Dyllan’s breath told her he noticed and was just as affected by her as she was by him.
She was sure her lip would be bruised by the assault from her teeth, but she couldn’t help it. Something was happening between them. It toed the line between lust and hate, and she wasn’t sure which way it would go.
The decision was made for her when Dyllan stood suddenly, clearing his throat, “See ya around, doll.” He smirked as he turned and strolled off as if he hadn’t just rocked her world and confused her all at the same time.
Chapter Four
The drive to the Abbotsford airport was gruelling. The three-hour drive on top of all the security and check-ins was about all Dyllan could handle. And that was all before the actual plane ride. Sure, he could have caught a ride with everyone else, but he needed the alone time to prepare for the upcoming weekend.
It wasn’t that he didn’t like his friends or had an issue with travelling; he liked both. He just couldn’t seem to tolerate anyone for more than a few hours at a time. He needed the empty truck ride to clear his head and mentally prepare for being surrounded by endless crowds for days.
He shifted in the hard seat underneath him, twisting, trying to find some form of comfort as he waited at the gate. The bitterness of the coffee in his hand only soured his mood.
They couldn’t even have good fucking coffee in this place.