Page 17 of Canadian Spring
“No.” Dyllan levelled his glare at Travis, his scotch halfway to his mouth.
“Come on, man. We all see the way you look at Skylar,” Travis prodded.
“You’re worse than the women,” Brody added.
“Don’t make me tell your blushing bride you said that,” Travis jabbed.
“Both of you cut it out; you’re as bad as each other.”
“Come on, man. What gives with you and Skylar? We can all tell you like each other. Why are you fighting it so much?” Travis asked, taking a sip of his beer.
“Are we really doing this right now?” Brody asked, raising an eyebrow at his friend.
“You bet your ass we’re doing this right now.” Travis turned from Brody to Dyllan. “Spit it out. What gives?"
Dyllan glared at Travis, not backing down from the challenge but not ready to give up any information either. Was he one to talk about his feelings? Fuck no, but even he could admit that before Jax, he would have indulged a little. Hell, before Jax died, he wouldn’t have even considered treating Skylar the way he had, but something about her scared the shit out of him, and he didn’t know what to do about it.
“You might as well tell him,” Brody said, looking back at the crowd. “You know what he’s like. He’s not going to drop it.”
Dyllan let out a sigh, “Fine. You’re right; I’m attracted to Skylar.”
Travis whooped, drawing the attention of those dancing around them.
Dyllan smacked him on the chest. “Cut it out. This is why I don’t tell you shit.”
“Sorry,” Travis at least had the decency to look like he was sorry, at least a little. “So, what’s the problem then?”
“The problem is that I don’t know if I’m going to stay in Logan Creek.” He lowered his voice, looking past his friends as he made this confession.
“What?” Travis and Brody said in unison, their backs snapping straighter as they leaned in toward him.
“I’ve been thinking about taking a private security job once my term as mayor is up.” He shrugged, suddenly finding the drunken mosh pit dancers at the front of the dance floor very interesting.
Travis and Brody looked back at him, mouths open as if frozen in place momentarily.
“What the fuck, dude?” Travis exploded. “Why all of a sudden? I thought you were happy to be out of the military.”
“Yeah, you love Logan Creek,” Brody added.
“I am. I do. It’s just—since Jax died, I dunno; maybe I just need to get back into it. At least for a little while.” Dyllan rubbed the back of his neck.
“What does Jax have to do with it?” Brody asked.
“He had a family.” Both Travis and Brody looked at him, waiting for more of a response. “He shouldn’t have been out there. He shouldn’t have been the one putting his life in danger.”
“Okay—but he chose to do that. I don’t see what that has to do with you,” Travis added.
“Maybe if I had the job, there’d be one less for all the Jax’s out there. I’m not married. I don’t have a family. If I die, there’s zero impact to anyone.”
“That’s bullshit, and you know it,” Travis spat. “What about us? What about your family?”
“You’ll all get over it. It’s not the same, and you know it.” Dyllan took a step toward Travis.
Brody got between them, pushing them farther apart. “Alright, let’s drop this for now.” He turned to Dyllan, “And I do mean, just for now. We’ll deal with this shit when we get back home. I don’t want two of my friends to beat each other at my bachelor party. How about we just cool it while we wait for the girls to get here.” He levelled his glare between his two friends and stood between them, driving home the point that this was not the place to be discussing it.
Dyllan shot the rest of his scotch down as he took a step back. “I’m going to get another one. Try to find your balls by the time I get back.”
Pushing his way through the crowd, he cursed to himself as the drunken, sweaty bodies collided with his. Everything this place represented was like a personal hell to him.