Page 27 of Canadian Spring
“And in the time you’ve been fighting with me, I could’ve thrown you over my shoulder and carried you out of here like the Neanderthal you claim I am,” he said as he stepped closer to her.
He towered over her, staring down at the fire in her eyes. Both of their breaths were heavy, chests raising into each other’s as they stared each other down. Dyllan wouldn’t back down from this. He couldn’t. There was no way any man was going to see his wife in that fuck-me dress. That would be for his eyes only, even if he wouldn’t be able to do any of the fucking.
“Aargh!” Skylar yelled as she turned, scooping up her items and walking toward the door in nothing but his shirt.
“Where do you think you’re going?” Dyllan demanded, following her.
“To my room. I’m tired of fighting with you.” She flung open the door and strode out, shocking a couple as they walked past. Skylar took no notice but kept marching down the hall in her bare feet.
Dyllan cursed under his breath as he grabbed the room key off the table by the door and followed her. “You think you can just march out of there dressed like that?”
“Yup,” she said, not turning around.
“Over my dead body.” He quickly caught up with her in a couple of strides, glaring at anyone who passed.
She turned and pointed her finger at him. The diamond on her hand reflected the light above them, reminding them just who they were to each other now. “Listen, you. Just because of what happened last night does not mean you get to boss me around. It does not mean you get to dictate what I wear or what I do. Capeesh?”
“Capeesh? Really?” Dyllan crossed his arms and raised an eyebrow at her.
“Yes, capeesh. Do you understand? Plus, what makes you think it’s okay for you to parade around in just your jeans showing off all that hard, tattooed, muscly skin, and I can’t walk out wearing basically a dress?” She crossed her arms over her chest, staring him down.
“Tattooed, muscly skin?” Dyllan chuckled and lowered his voice as he leaned down to her. “Wife, are you bothered by the skin I’m showing? Are you jealous?”
“Ha!” Skylar scoffed. “You’d love that, wouldn’t you?”
“Maybe, but I think you love it, too.” He nipped at her ear before pulling back and giving her a cocky grin.
Her face blushed a gorgeous pink before she snapped out of her trance. “Aargh!” she yelled again as she stomped her foot and turned.
It only took a moment before she swiped her key card over the reader and threw her door open. Dyllan nearly missed putting his foot between the door and the frame, letting himself in behind her.
“I didn’t say you could come in,” she huffed, throwing her clothes on the bed, not meeting his gaze.
“I think we’re past the asking me in for coffee stage, don’t you?”
“Look,” Skylar finally turned to him, closing her fists and resting them on her hips. “I’ll play along with your little game until we can figure out what to do with this marriage.” She waved her hand between them, scrunching up her nose. “But we don’t tell anyone. We can’t ruin Brody and Kade’s weekend or wedding.”
“Anything else?” Dyllan asked, tilting his head to the side as he watched her.
“Nothing else changes. We act like this never happened. After the wedding we sit down and figure out how we will handle this going forward.”
“Fine,” Dyllan ground out.
His body was a mix of emotions. His primal, animalistic tendency was to claim her, make love to her and show her just who she belonged to. Logically, his mind knew she was right. They couldn’t very well show up to their groups today and announce that they got married at their friends’ bachelor and bachelorette weekends. Even he could admit that would be a dick move.
“Perfect. Now, please leave because I need to get ready. You’ve wasted all my time, so now all I can hope to do is brush my teeth and somewhat calm my hair.” Skylar crossed her arms, and for the first time, Dyllan noticed just how much it pushed up her breasts. His shirt may swallow her, but the undone buttons at the top created the perfect frame for her mounds.
Skylar cleared her throat, bringing his attention back to her face, which by the look of it, was not impressed where his attention had gone.
Shaking his head, he turned for the door and gripped the handle as she called out for him, “Oh, and Dyllan?”
He turned around, making sure not to let his gaze drop this time.
“Don’t forget to take off your ring.”
His gaze dropped to his hand, and he cursed. He’d forgotten all about it. In the short time he’d been wearing it, it’d already become part of him. And what confused him was that the thought didn’t scare him.
Chapter Nine