Page 30 of Canadian Spring
They made their way to a roulette table, bought their chips and placed their bets.
“Seven,” Skylar said, placing all her chips down on the number.
“Twenty-three,” Dyllan said, placing his chips on the board.
They looked into each other’s eyes as everyone at the table made their bets.
“Are we really doing this?” Skylar asked.
“We’re doing this,” Dyllan responded, not tearing his eyes away from hers.
The dealer announced that he was going to start. She heard the whizzing of the ball as it ran around the roulette wheel, clinking as it slowed down.
“No backing down,” Dyllan said.
“Nope,” She responded, emphasizing the ‘p.’
“And the winner is…” the dealer announced as the ball and wheel slowed down. “Red seven.”
“Skylar?” Kade asked, bringing her out of her clouded memory.
“Huh?” she replied, turning her face to her friend.
“Wine?” Kade nodded toward the woman standing between the technicians massaging their feet and legs, holding a tray full of wine.
“Yes, please.” She accepted the glass and drank half the white liquid, barely feeling the burn as it slid down her throat.
“Are you sure you’re okay?” Lila asked, drawing her attention away from devouring the whole glass in one shot.
“Uh-huh,” she replied before finishing it in another gulp and motioning to the server for another one. She didn’t miss the cautious look on the woman’s face as she switched the empty glass for a full one before scurrying off.
“I’m calling bullshit on this, Skylar. There’s something going on with you,” Lila prodded, sitting back in her chair and closing her eyes.
I have to give them something, or they aren’t going to drop this.
“It’s nothing. Dyllan and I just—uh—kissed.” Skylar took a sip of her wine.
It wouldn’t be that far from the truth. They would’ve kissed when they got married. Skylar just didn’t remember that part.
“You did what?” Lila screeched as Kade said, “I knew it!”
“It’s really no big deal,” Skylar said, placing her wineglass on the table between her and Kade and leaning back in her chair. “It’s nothing. It was a drunken nothing. We still hate each other.”
Hate. Lust. Want to devour. All the same.
“It is so much more than a big deal,” Kade said. “How did it happen? What happened after?”
Apparently, we got naked in his bed.
“Nothing. We went to bed, and that was it.” She closed her eyes and took a deep breath. “Let’s not worry about it. We are here to relax, and Dyllan does anything but make me relaxed.”
“Fine, but we are so talking about this when we get back home,” Lila added.
For the rest of the day, she blocked the previous night from her mind and focused on enjoying the time with her friends. They took the rest of the day enjoying good food and hitting up all the shops they could. Skylar couldn’t remember the last time she’d laughed so much. She truly realized how much she not only missed Kade and Lila but how much she missed spending time with good girlfriends. She only had Ashley back in Vancouver, and now she has learned that she wasn’t much of a friend at all.
Now back in her hotel room, looking into the mirror and holding the dress she’d bought against her body, she knew she was about to have some more fun. She’d bought this dress specifically to piss Dyllan off, knowing how much he hated her flaunting her body.
They may be married on paper, but that gave him no right to act like he had any say over her. He may not want to deal with dissolving this train wreck of a marriage while they were still away, but she certainly wasn’t going to sit back and let this happen without having a say in it. It was her future too. This was also her marriage, whether it was real to them or not.