Page 32 of Canadian Spring
He was silent as the elevator made its way down to the lobby. Skylar attempted to move away from him, but he held her firmly against his chest.
Skylar huffed as she slumped against him. He smiled, knowing that he may have lost the battle on the dress, but he’d won this one.
“You’re infuriating,” she whispered to him as the elevator doors opened and the two men all but fell over each other to escape.
“And you’re a brat,” he whispered back, biting her skin where her neck met her shoulder.
She squeaked as he guided her out into the lobby, securing her hand in the crook of his elbow. She was surprisingly quiet as they made their way through the loud slot machines to the restaurant they were meeting everyone for dinner. He snuck glances over at her, hoping he hadn’t gone too far. He’d meant it when he said he didn’t want her parading around in a dress like that. Not because she didn’t look stunning, she did, but because he didn’t want dickwads like the frat asses in the elevator staring at her like she wasn’t an intelligent, funny, beautiful woman. She deserved better than that.
She deserved better than him.
“Oh good, they’re already here,” Skylar breathed as they walked into the restaurant. She stopped at the host table, turning to him and taking her arm back. “Remember, nothing has changed. As far as they know, we aren’t married.”
Dyllan ground his teeth together, feeling his jaw tick from the tension. “Anything else?”
“Drop the possessive growly act. Kade and Lila already think something’s up. I don’t need you adding fuel to the fire,” she hissed the words through her teeth.
His temper rose with every word. He understood why she didn’t want to tell everyone they were married, it would only steal the thunder from Kade and Brody, and he had no intention of doing that. It was that every fibre of his being screamed to claim her, to let the whole world know that she was his. Irrational as it was, he couldn’t help the way he felt.
“Fine,” he ground out. “Anything else?”
She crossed her arms and looked at him. He tried his best to keep his eyes on hers, not on the way that her arms pushed up her glorious breasts, making them threaten to pour out of the top of the already nearly-there dress. “Stop looking at me like that.”
“Like what?” he asked, the corner of his mouth ticked up in a smile.
“Like you want to devour me,” her voice was breathless as she nearly whispered the words.
He leaned in toward her, brushing her hair off her shoulder. “Babe, that’s the least I want to do. I want to own you. I want to show you exactly what it means to be married to me.”
She gasped, frozen in place as she stared into his eyes.
He winked before he turned and strode toward his friends as if nothing had just happened.
“Took you long enough,” Brody complained, his arm slung over Kade’s shoulders.
“Yeah, ran into Princess over there, and she took forever in those goddamn heels of hers. She’s going to kill herself one day trying to look runway perfect,” Dyllan said, taking a seat at the table.
“I’ll have you know I can walk in these just fine,” Skylar said, sitting next to him. “If it weren’t for you getting all caught up on fashion, we would’ve been here on time.”
Travis coughed, nearly spitting out his mouthful of beer. “Dyllan? Fashion?”
“Yes, it’s amazing what he all of a sudden will take an interest in. Isn’t that right, Dyllan?” Skylar cocked her head at him, a teasing smile on her face.
She’s going to pay for that later.
“With the right incentive, it’s amazing what I can find interest in,” Dyllan replied, raising an eyebrow at her.
“So, anyway...” Lila started, looking curiously between Dyllan and Skylar. “Travis was just telling us about your BMX day.”
“Yeah, for someone who’d been looking forward to this, you sure didn’t have your head in the game, Dyllan. What gives?” Travis asked, grabbing his nearly empty pint glass and raising it to his mouth.
“I guess my head just wasn’t in the game,” he answered before turning to the waitress who appeared at his side, ordering a beer.
“Hmm, I wonder why that would be?” Lila asked, smiling behind her wine glass.
“I drank too much last night, don’t look too much into it, Lila.” He shot a glance at her.
“So Kade and Brody,” Skylar asked, drawing the attention away from him. “What do you want to do for your last night in Vegas?”