Page 50 of Canadian Spring
“He never brought you dinner? Stopped to check on you? Asked if there was any way he could’ve helped you?” she asked.
Skylar stopped pacing and looked at her friend, hands on her hips. “No.”
“Oh, hun, I’m sorry. That’s not right.”
“What do you mean?” Skylar asked, tilting her head.
“When you’re in a relationship, you’re supposed to help each other, be there for each other. I’m sorry that you were with someone who didn’t fully know how to support you.”
Skylar thought of all the times she’d been there for Adam; dropped everything she was doing if he needed help with a shoot or needed her to bring him something he’d forgotten. She’d dropped in and brought him coffee or food, but there’s not one time she could remember him doing the same for her.
Then there was Dyllan. In just the short time she’d known him, he’d been more attentive, more aware of what she needed—even if she didn’t know it at the time—than she’d ever experienced with Adam or any past boyfriends.
“Oh, no. You’re right.” Skylar slunk back into her chair.
“Hey,” Mandy said softly, placing her hand on her arm that rested on the table. “It’s not a bad thing.”
“How can you say that? I just realized that I almost married a man that didn’t actually care about me. I mean, I realized that when he slept with my business partner, but even the times I thought were good, he never really cared.”
“Oh, Skylar, I’m so sorry.” She rubbed Skylar’s arm. “So now, why don’t you really tell me why you didn’t tell everyone about you and Dyllan.”
“I didn’t want to ruin Kade and Brody’s weekend,” she responded quickly.
Mandy looked at her thoughtfully. “Nope, try again.”
“I mean it. I’m starting over here, Mandy. I have no official business, no home to return to, and no fiancé. I’m on my own. I need this wedding to go off perfectly to show that I can do this all by myself. I don’t need a team or a business partner. I can do it all on my own.” She looked into her friend’s eyes, determination coursing through her body. She needed to prove that she could do this.
“I get that, believe me, I do, but you have a husband that wants to support you and help you. You have friends that want to help you through this.” Mandy took a breath, softening her gaze as she looked at her friend. “I hope you let us in. We all want to be here for you.”
“How? How do I handle all of this?” Skylar’s voice shook as she got the words out.
“First, I would talk to Dyllan. He needs to know how much this is affecting you and how he can help. He clearly wants to make the marriage work, and I think you do, too.” Mandy squeezed her arm gently.
“Alright. I still don’t want to tell everyone else about Dyllan and me until after the wedding. I mean it when I say that I need this to go off without a hitch. Since it looks like I’m staying in Logan Creek for a while, I need to figure out how to get new clients. Plus, Kade is one of my oldest friends; I can’t steal her thunder on her wedding day.”
“That I understand. Your secret is safe with me.” Mandy smiled as she stood up. “Speaking of the wedding day, I should get home. I just wanted to come by and drop off the photos for the picture table, so I didn’t have to wrangle them and my children, Zach included.” She laughed as she rolled her eyes dramatically.
Skylar laughed as she stood and pulled Mandy in for a hug. “Thank you.”
“You’re welcome. Just promise me once the wedding craziness settles down, you’ll tell everyone. They’ll be happy for you, I promise. Shocked, but happy.”
Skylar chucked, “I will.”
Mandy left Skylar in the barn, leaving her with her thoughts.
Maybe Mandy’s right. I need all the support I can get right now.
“Kade, stop fussing. You’ll pull your hair out of all the bobby pins. It took Loretta an hour to put all those in. You’re dealing with her if I have to call her back to fix it,” Lila said, swatting Kade’s hands away from her face.
“Sorry,” Kade responded sheepishly. “I can’t help it; I’m just so nervous.”
“You need me to get you outta here? I’ll be Thelma; you’ll be Louise. Just say the word.” Lila grasped Kade’s shoulders with a steely gaze.
“Stop it,” Kade laughed as she pushed her friend’s hands from her. “I’m not nervous about marrying Brody. I’m nervous about being up there in front of the whole town. What if I say the wrong thing? What if I fall?” Kade gasped.
“You are going to be perfect, and everything will be amazing,” Skylar said, lightly putting her hand on Kade’s arm. “We don’t have much time until it starts. Why don’t you go behind the divider there and get your dress on?”
Kade relaxed, “Thank you, Skylar.” Kade made her way behind the wooden divider in the corner of the room as Skylar and Lila exchanged smirks.