Page 65 of Canadian Spring
“Damn, bro. Did you have to make us all look bad?” Travis joked as he pretended to shield his eyes from the ring.
“No kidding. Even drunk, you pick out a bigger ring than the rest of us,” Zach joined in.
“Oh, honey, it’s not the size that matters,” Lila said to Travis with a dramatic wink.
“Ouch, really, babe?” Wide eyed, he turned to his wife.
She leaned over and whispered something in his ear that made him laugh. “Alright, you’re forgiven.”
“It’s beautiful, Skylar,” Mandy said as she leaned back into Zach’s side, one hand on her very pregnant belly.
“Hmmm, yeah, it’s alright,” Zach joked, giving Mandy a kiss on her temple.
Mandy elbowed him in the ribs lightly as she laughed into his neck. Skylar couldn’t help but get an overwhelming sense of longing as she looked at Mandy with her hand on her belly, Zach’s arm around her. They had such a peace about them that her heart ached for. She barely registered the drinks and food placed around them.
Does Dyllan want kids? Do I want kids?
Questions she hadn’t allowed herself to ask in a long time came bubbling to the surface. Turning, she gazed at Dyllan as he laughed with Brody, taking a sip of his beer. For the first time, she noticed how he had slight wrinkles in the corners of his eyes when he laughed, and how his demeanour changed when he was around the guys. He was more relaxed and carefree. She liked seeing that side of him.
Glancing over at her, he gave her a wink as he grabbed her hand under the table and rested it on his thigh. She sighed and let her shoulders relax as she sunk into him. Grabbing the pint of beer in front of her, she took a sip. She wasn’t a beer girl, but she also wasn’t one to turn down a drink placed in front of her.
The crisp taste of peaches washed over her tongue, followed by a light hoppy aftertaste, surprising her with just how much she liked the taste. “Wow, Zach. This is amazing!”
“Thanks, it’s one of my newer beers.” Zach tipped his glass toward her.
“Tell her the name,” Mandy laughed, bumping her shoulder into his.
“Resting Peace Face,” Zach added with a smirk.
Skylar threw her head back and laughed. “Are all your beer names like that?”
“Oh, yes,” he laughed.
“You wouldn’t believe the shit he’s named his beer,” Dyllan said, resting his arm over the back of Skylar’s chair.
“I can imagine.”
“So, Skylar, tell us how this all happened,” Kade said from the other side of her, “How did you two end up married?”
“Well, uh,” Skylar said, looking up at Dyllan as she pleaded with her eyes to get some help from him.
“We got drunk and woke up married,” he said as if it were the most natural thing in the world.
“I know that part; what I mean is, when did you two decide to admit you liked each other,” Kade added.
Dyllan coughed, nearly spitting out his drink.
“I guess that would be the last night we were in Vegas,” Skylar added sheepishly.
“Ha! I knew you weren’t sick!” Lila exclaimed as she turned to Travis. “I told you they were going up to fuck. You owe me a massage.”
“Oh, I’ll give it to you, alright,” Travis growled next to her.
Zach threw a tortilla chip at Travis. “Save it for later, man,” he said, laughing.
“Says the guy who dry humped his now wife on New Years at this very bar? Get lost,” Travis laughed back.
Zach threw another chip at Travis, laughing even harder when Travis caught it like a dog and ate it with a big smile on his face.