Page 88 of Canadian Spring
“Play your damn cards, Thompson,” Brody grumbled.
Fanning his cards out on the table, he watched as Travis’ face dropped from a smile to a frown.
“You’ve got to be shitting me,” Travis said, staring at Dyllan’s cards.
Brody and Zach burst out laughing.
“Royal flush,” Dyllan said with a smirk.
“Fuck me,” Travis said, stunned.
“Gladly,” Lila said, sliding up to Travis, placing a fresh beer in front of him. “Oooh, ouch. I’m sorry, babe,” she added, looking down at the cards on the table.
“What happened?” Skylar asked, sliding her arm around Dyllan’s shoulders as she stood beside him.
“Your husband here got a royal flush,” Travis added, still staring at the cards.
“What? Is that, like, hard or something?” Skylar asked, looking down at Dyllan.
The men all laughed, causing Skylar’s face to turn an adorable shade of pink.
“Have you ever played poker, babydoll?” Dyllan asked.
“Nope, can’t say that I have,” Skylar answered, taking a sip of her sangria.
“Have any of you women played poker?” Dyllan asked, looking around the table as the wives joined their husbands.
They all shook their heads.
“How is this possible? We play this game nearly every week, and yet we’ve never taught our wives?” Zach asked as he stood, giving Mandy a seat.
How she was still pregnant, Dyllan didn’t know. She must be ready to pop any day now.
“Well, that ends now,” Brody said, giving Kade his seat. “We’ll teach you.”
“Aw, then we can play with you guys?” Kade asked.
“No,” all the men answered together.
“What I think we mean is,” Travis continued, eyeing everyone as he gave Lila his seat. “Is that we will teach you, and then you ladies can play your own game while we play ours.”
“So what? We can wager hair ties and nail polish?” Lila narrowed her eyes at her husband. “Are you afraid of losing to girls?”
“Down, hellcat. You haven’t even learned to play, and you’re already trash talking?” Travis quipped.
“I call it like I see it, babe.” Lila turned back to the table, collecting all the cards and shuffling.
“And what about you, husband? Do you also think that the women should keep to themselves and bet girly things?” Skylar asked teasingly.
Dyllan pulled Skylar into his lap and whispered in her ear. “If you want, we can play our own game of poker later. I think you’ll find what I have to wager very interesting.”
She wiggled her ass on his lap and he couldn’t help his cock from lengthening. Instead of shifting her away from it, he grabbed her hips and ground her into him even more.
“Hmm, I think I can take you up on that as long as you teach me how to play fairly. No cheating.” She wiggled even farther into him, letting him know she knew exactly what sort of wagers he had in mind.
“I would never cheat.”
“Good, then you’re on.”