Page 2 of Canadian Harvest
“Only because you have two under two,” Brody ribs.
“Who has what under what?” I ask, completely puzzled by the conversation in front of me.
“Two kids under the age of two,” Lila, Travis’ wife, says as she passes him a wrapped baby.
“Ah,” I say, watching Travis flawlessly switch his beer to his opposite hand while scooping the bundle against his body. I don’t know why I find this so fascinating. I don’t want kids. I’ve never wanted them. Hell, I’ve never even lasted in a relationship long enough for that to be a topic of conversation. But here I am, staring at one of my friends with a baby, wondering if I could do something like that.
What the fuck am I thinking?
“Do you want to hold him?” Travis asks, shifting the squirming bundle.
“No!” I say a little too aggressively, holding my hands up in front of me. Brody, Travis, and Lila chuckle.
“It’s a baby, man. Not a bomb,” Travis jokes.
“That’s debatable,” I say, wearily eyeing him up. “I’ve been around Zach’s kids.”
I’ve known Zach Richardson for years, having met him almost a decade ago in college. Since then, we have both ended up in his hometown of Logan Creek, and are now partners in a local brewery. While I’ve embraced my bachelorhood into my thirties, Zach settled down a couple of years ago with Mandy, adopted her two children after she became a widow, and they had their own daughter, Emma. And while I’ll admit the kids are cute, I know they are, in fact, very much like little bombs.
“Aw, leave him alone, Travis. Not all guys are baby-crazy like you are,” Lila says. “Speaking of babies, Brody, Kade needs another water. Where are you keeping those watermelon ones she likes?”
“I’ll get it.” He gives the burgers one last glance before rushing off.
I look over at Kade as she rests in the shade sitting on a lawn chair, her feet up on a tree stump, rubbing her very pregnant belly.
When did all my friends become baby-making machines? And why does this make me feel a little left out?
I move to the barbecue, picking up the spatula and taking over grilling duties. Not because they need attention, but more for the first time since calling these people my friends, I don’t know what to do around them.
Travis and Lila are fussing over their baby. Brody’s sitting with Kade, laughing with her and Skylar while rubbing Kade’s belly.
Dyllan is acting grumpy while the toddlers climb all over him, shrieking with laugher. But I see him biting back a smile, showing he loves it as much as they do.
Then there’s me.
I should have traded days off with Zach. He and his family would have fit in here better than me at their Labour Day gathering. I should be working, letting those with families enjoy the late-summer evening.
“What about Rachel?” Skylar asks, drawing my attention away from my spiralling thoughts.
“I texted her, but she said she’d have to get back to me. I guess she’s not coming,” Kade says in disappointment.
Rachel’s name piques my interest. Unless there’s another Rachel that’s popped up in Logan Creek, they’re talking about the cute florist in town.
Putting down the spatula after giving the burgers another once over, I grab my drink and head over to the seating area.
“That’s too bad. I was hoping she’d get out and join us today. I know she closed the shop early,” Skylar says, shifting baby Kendall to her other arm.
“You know how she is,” Lila says.
“What do you mean? How is she?” I ask, unable to help myself. I put my elbows on my knees, leaning forward, trying to be casual while trying to get more information about her.
“She just likes being at home,” Kade says, shooting a look at Lila, that if I spoke woman, I’m assuming, would be telling her to shut up.
Interesting. I want to know more about this quiet introvert. “Now I know why I never see her in the brewery with you guys.”
“Yeah, we’ve tried, but it’s not her thing,” Kade says.
They start talking about babies, and toddlers, and things I don’t understand, but my mind stays on Rachel. I don’t know what it is about her, but I’m determined to learn more. Now, I just need to figure out a way to get her to talk to me.