Page 28 of Until He Confesses
I relished it and unable to stop myself grabbed onto his shaft as I began to kiss up his thighs. He smelled wonderful, clean, sweet and as I saw up close the cock that the years had surely made their mark on, my sex throbbed with excitement. He had always been sizable, so much so that it had scared me in our earlier years.
Our first time had been so excruciatingly slow for him since he had wanted to ensure that I wasn’t hurt in any shape or form. It was these little things about his attentiveness and concern that had made me fall so madly in love with him and subsequently brought me equal or even greater emotional devastation after we had parted.
Regardless, now as I kissed up his cock and rubbed the pad of my thumb across the slit, I knew that no matter what I would never regret this night.
This man still unfortunately occupied a part of my heart and so it was beyond my power to not accept this night with him. I watched his gaze as my lips parted and closed around the pulsing pink head.
“Argh...” his eyes immediately shut closed. I smiled as his head dug into the pillow and I sucked him even harder before I began to lick down the engorged shaft.
“Fuck,” he gasped. “Callie.”
I continued to blow him, and then his hand found its way into my hair.
One glance at him and I found that he was watching me, his breathing unstable and his face contorted at the pleasure I was wringing out of him. My grip tightened even further around him and then I began to pump him from the root to the tip.
“Ah…” he sighed, his hand moving away from my hair and falling to the side. I then took the entire head in my mouth and sunk down, taking as much as I could all the way to the back of my throat.
The pad of my tongue and the roof of my mouth gripped him hard as I came up and it only took a few times of repeating this before I began to feel him lose control. He began to thrust his hips slightly forward, urging that I go even faster, and I complied. I sucked and pumped him with wild abandon until he was spilling like a faucet into my mouth.
I didn’t waste a single drop more than eager to completely devour the taste that I had missed so immensely for the last nine years.
I loved the slight tremors that rocked his body as he came, forcing me to endlessly lick him clean. I went all the way to his abdomen until eventually he grabbed me from underneath my arms and pulled me up until I was face to face with him.
He stared at me, his eyes searing, and his skin flushed.
As a result, I lost my mind.
“You’re beautiful,” I said, and he seemed shocked.
And then he frowned.
I knew then that he thought I was trolling him as I once did when we were younger, however, I meant every word.
“Not the type of compliment I’m looking for,” he said, and I cocked my head as I lay comfortably sprawled on top of him.
“Then what kind of compliment would you prefer?” I asked as I began to rock my lower body against his dick which was hardening once again.
“I don’t know,” he said. “I don’t think I want any of them, but you I miss, and that mouth of yours.”
He stared hard at it, and I smiled.
“You’ve been staring at my lips from the first night we met.”
“You can’t blame me,” he said. And then his gaze seemed to go slightly out of focus as though he was recalling something.
“You remember when we went to that diner after the party, the first night we met?”
I nodded so he continued.
“Well, there was a moment when I stared at your lips for so long that you all noticed.”
This sent me into a hysterical laughing fit.
“Of course, I remember,” I said. “I was so scared that I had something stuck in my teeth that I hurried to the bathroom and saw nothing. Anna told me that it only showed that you had some lip fetish or something.”
I shook my head at the reminder of her mischievous friend.
“How is she doing?” I asked. “Are you two still close?”