Page 38 of Insufferable Boss
"Well,” he picked up the folder and began to rummage through it again.
"It's the usual. He's suing you for an exorbitant amount, except of course, if you both settle, and you give him his job back."
"What amount?"
"250 million."
"Yeah, his exact share of the company."
I smiled and shook my head but kept working.
“He's trying to override the stipulations of his father's will?"
"He doesn't want to work, and he wants the money, so I'm sure he'll find some way to do it. This termination being one of them. Anyway, I know you want to inflict pain on him, but there is no way you can do that without hurting yourself as well."
I kept working but eventually looked away from my screen and up at him.
"Do you have a lawyer to send my way then?" I asked, and Matthias gave me a look.
"This could become really messy. Rumors are already spreading through the company."
"I considered this," and then I frowned deeply. "Then let it become really messy."
"Should I get you a lawyer to waste his time or one to actually ensure he's stripped of everything?"
"The latter," I said without further thought, and he went silent again.
"Yes, Sir," he said and turned around to leave, and I shook my head at him.
"For a lawyer of your caliber, you sure do like to avoid conflict."
He shot back immediately.
"A lawyer of my caliber did nothing but resolve conflicts for the first fifteen years of my career. That's why I took a position here, not at a law firm. For some peace of mind."
I was amused.
"It hasn't exactly been peaceful here."
"Sure, but we don't get sued every day."
"Please leave," I said. "And find me a good lawyer."
"Not the best?"
I didn't respond. But then, just before he left, an idea came to mind.
"You know what, send me a beginner lawyer.”
"What do you mean?"
"Get me someone wet behind the ears from any firm to handle this. That's what he deserves."
"Wow, you don't even respect the guy to take his claim seriously."
"No, I don't respect him."