Page 50 of Insufferable Boss
I wondered if we would ever be somewhat friendly to each other. Not that I wanted to, but it just truly made me wonder. Beyond the electric, physical attraction we have for each other, there was really no other rapport I felt with him. Or maybe it was because I had been closed off to it from the beginning. Maybe because he had been closed off to it from the start. He wasn't exactly my favorite person in the world, but could we be civil, somewhat?
I considered this over and over again until I eventually decided that for both of us to come out of it unscathed, things were perhaps better left the way they currently are.
The next Monday morning at the office, all was abuzz. I could feel it as I came in and ran into some of the employees. It was hard to miss the suddenly lowered tones of speaking, the whispered conversations, and the stares. I was sure it had to do with the ongoing wrongful termination suit filed by Dylan against Kane, and of course, the board meeting that would be taking place just before lunch. I didn't even know how they had gotten wind of this, as it had been an internal request sent by Kane.
I was sure then that the leak came from the assistants and secretaries, but there were four of them, so you couldn't exactly pinpoint anyone. I didn't care as I continued on with preparing my project expansion with my team since it was sure to be discussed at the meeting.
About half an hour before, however, there was a knock on my door. Usually, it would be my secretary handling these, but he had been drafted to assist the team, so I was seated alone, going through the compiled data. We still needed a bit more time to put things together, but I had been researching this possibility for years on my own, so there was very little I missed or wasn't informed about.
"Come in," I answered, and a few seconds later, the door was pushed open. I held my breath without even realizing it, and only when the visitor came fully into view and I saw that it was my brother, did I release my breath.
Such a disappointment, I had secretly hoped it was Kane. My heart was beating ever so slightly faster, and my stomach became warm and fuzzy, especially with the sharp reminders of how Kane and I had been in that shower stall just a day earlier. After our first encounter together, I was able to convince myself that I could get it out of my mind, that I could get him out of my mind. But as the night wore on and I found myself so aroused that I could barely sleep, I realized that it would not be so easy to forget after all.
And now, it was Monday, and I had skipped breakfast. Yet, what I realized I had a craving for was him. Even just a sight, I couldn't quite describe what it was, but I wanted to see him looking into my eyes. I wanted to see if I could read anything into it, if there would be a change in the way we interacted with each other. I didn't really want this to happen, but I was so curious that it was beginning to physically hurt.
"What is it?" I asked as I returned my attention to my work, and he made a sound.
"Well, good morning to you too, Sis," he said as he pulled the chair out before my desk and took his seat. I lifted my gaze then and stared at him.
When he still didn't speak and instead maintained that silly smile on his face, I grew impatient.
"What do you want?" I asked, and he shook his head and straightened.
"I thought you'd call me," he said. "After our run-in on Sunday.”
"Why would I call you?" I asked, and he genuinely seemed surprised.
"You're really not concerned that I saw you at Kane's place?"
I leaned back in my chair.
"I'm sorry, is it off-limits to be at Kane's place? What does that have to do with you?"
"Your staff is worried that rumors are going to spread," he said, and I smiled.
"What rumors? That I'm sleeping with Kane? Well, if I hear something that ridiculous, I'll know exactly who it came from, won’t I?"
I picked up my pen again while he stayed silent.
"Back me in today's meeting," he said, and I sighed in relief because finally, it was clear why he was here.
"On what grounds?" I asked, and his smile was dry.
"The fact that I'm your brother should be enough grounds, but since that clearly doesn't mean anything to you, then on the grounds that Kane firing me should be unacceptable."
"Why?" I asked as I worked. "He's the CEO, he has the power to fire or hire anyone he wants."
"So, you're not going to back me?" he asked, and I gave him a direct answer.
"No, I'm going to back whoever has the best ideas."
"So... does that mean your project has been approved then? You won't need approval by the board?"
I lifted my head then to look at him.
"Is that why you're here?" I asked. "To get me to back you by promising to back me?"
"It's a fair trade, Sis, isn't it?" he asked, and I replied,