Page 61 of Insufferable Boss
"No, realistic,"I corrected.
"So,it's a given to you that I'll have sex with you?" Lena asked.
"For now,yes. There was music and a packed crowd, and the possibility of you being there was the only reason why I had considered it. Being pressed up against you in more ways than one in such a public setting was bound to be interesting," I replied.
The roomsoon filled with the sound of the girl moaning and her body hitting against the wall. And then they were done.
"Well... that was quick,"Lena said, and I reached for what I told myself would be the last slice. However, she was far from pleased at this.
"When are you really?"she asked. "Truly."
I keptmy attention on the television, not at all bothered by the fact that she kept insisting that I depart. I continued to watch the movie, and then a few minutes later, I had a response for her.
"After this movie,"I said. "We're going to watch it all, and then you're going to pick an exact scene you want us to replicate. We'll do that, and then I'll leave."
I expectedher to reject this, but when she remained silent and instead focused her attention on the television screen, I knew that I had broken through her walls.
We continuedto watch and eat, with anticipation building as we went through several scenes. Surprisingly, we didn't talk much with each other, but it didn't take long for me to see what the scenes were doing to us. The room was incredibly quiet, but we could both have heard a pin drop.
There wasnothing impressive about watching, instead our awareness of each other continued to rise. Suddenly, the room became too warm, and my eyes strayed over and over to her. Her hair was dried now, and it had quite the curl pattern that I had never noticed before. The robe slipping off her shoulder, however, was something that I couldn't ignore. The swell of her breast jutted against the material, as well as the hardened peaks of her nipples. I was hard and wanted her on top of me, riding my cock with abandon. However, I also sort of enjoyed the slow burn of this moment.
It started to rain then,and only the sharp strike of thunder alerted me to this fact. Otherwise, I was fully lost in her presence. I turned to look at the window and watched rain droplets as they rolled down the glass. I couldn't help but appreciate just how cozy the world seemed.
I turned thenand caught her gaze. At first, it had been on the window, just like mine, but now it was on me. She looked away, and as I stared at her, I would have given anything to know what she was thinking.
"Enjoying the movie?"I asked, and I could hear her smile.
"What's it about?"she replied. I was incredibly amused.
"The storyline's not interesting?"I asked, and she turned to me.
"Is it to you?"
I stared,and her expression soured.
"Please don't tellme you have bad taste in movies. There's already enough to dislike about you."
I was taken abackby this.
"You dislike me?"
She hesitated,but at the end of the day, she responded. However, she could no longer hold my gaze when she said this.
"It'sno secret that you're not my favorite person. I'm not your favorite person either."
"Sure,"I replied. "But dislike is a strong word."
"Yes, it is,"she said.
"This has(have)anything to do with that day in the study?" I asked, and I couldn't help but scootch a little bit farther up, then I began to unbuckle my belt. She ignored the crinkling sound as she continued to watch, but she didn't respond.
"Of course it does,"she said.
"That was the start."
"And now?"
"It's even worse."