Page 152 of Trust Me
I barely pay attention as he talks about all that he intends to do as the newly appointed alderman.
“We’ll work together to rid this city of corruption. I intend to hold up my promise to expose all of the big corporations and businesses that have harmed this city and its people.”
He’s making some big declarations. I glance over at Kyle; he grins at me and nods.
“I will first start with Townsend Industries.”
Gasps go up all around the room. Cameras start flashing and reporters’ hands shoot up. Eyes zero in on Kyle, who doesn’t react at all.
I take that as an opportunity to raise my hand.
“Congratulations on this historic day for Walsh Technologies,” I say as I rise to my feet.
“Now is not the time for questions,” Ryan Nick tries to cut me off ,but I persist.
“Why don’t we make time before you pull up any false evidence you supposedly have. How does it feel to know that you’ve invited everyone to your own burial?”
His eyes go wide.
“I-I’m sorry,” Nick stutters.
“No, I should apologize. That was the wrong question. I see you’ve brought additional city council members in attendance today. My actual question is, you say your goal is to expose corruption, but weren’t you and some of these council members paid off to pass certain housing and building permits?”
“Ex-excuse me?” Ryan blubbers.
Two of city council members sit up, looking between one another. I can feel the other reporters and cameraman shifting their attention between me and Nick.
“Or, how about this? Can you please explain why you had your nephew, Dean Walsh, blackmail me into getting hired at Townsend Industries so you can dig up dirt on the company and family that your brother was arrested for on corporate espionage charges, almost a decade ago?”
A lot of gasps and hushed whispers sound around me.
As it turns out, Ryan Nick is Dean Walsh’s uncle. He’s Dean’s father’s half-brother. A fact kept hidden until Kyle’s security brought it up.
“I have the recordings between your nephew and me if you’d like to hear them.”
I pull out my phone and play one of Dean’s and my phone conversations. In the recording, Dean clearly has a vendetta against the Townsend family.
“Wait, maybe this one is a little more interesting.” I skip to the most recent recording where I play Dean giving me instructions to show up at today’s press conference.
Ryan’s eyes balloon to the point they look as if they’re going to pop out of his skull.
“This proves nothing! I don’t even know who you are!” he says.
“Oh me?” I point to my chest before slowly sliding my sunglasses off of my face.
“She’s my wife,” Kyle’s strong declaration ricochets through the air as he stands.
Instead of gasps and more whispers, the entire crowd goes mute as if they know that any and everything he has to say isn’t to be missed.
Kyle glares at Ryan.
“Thanks for the invitation, by the way,” Kyle starts with an evil smirk on his face. “I suppose from the surprise on your face, your nephew forgot to tell you that my wife would be coming with me.”
According to what Kyle’s security discovered, Ryan Nick had no idea how Dean Walsh was funneling information to him. He just wanted him to get evidence any way he could.
Kyle continues, “How about you use that projector you brought to open up the files you received illegally, from my company. The multiple houses in that secret file.”
Ryan finds his second wind. “Yes.” He clears his throat. “We know all about your shady business dealings in those homes. This …” He presses the clicker and the screen on either side of him pops up with a detailed presentation.