Page 157 of Trust Me
A stormy expression clouds Kyle’s face. I can almost see the steam coming off of him.
“Listen here, you stupid son of a bitch.” His voice is so deep and full of malice that I wrap my arms around my body, shielding myself from the impact of his words.
“You’re dumber and less equipped than your pathetic ass father. You had almost a decade to do better and your whole fucking end goal fell down around your face. You’re a bigger loser than he was, and for calling my wife a bitch, your fate is going to be uglier than his ever was. I’ll see you soon, motherfucker.”
With that Kyle hangs up the phone and tosses it onto the bed. “Don’t answer his calls ever again.”
I have no intention of speaking to Dean Walsh again, but I don’t like the way he thinks he can order me around.
“What if I do?” I say with my hands on my hips.
He gives me a hard glare. “Then I will be forced to put your stubborn ass over my knee.”
I hate the way the shiver automatically rolls through my body. The smirk that lights up Kyle’s face tells me he notices it, too.
My body always betrays me when it comes to him.
“You would like that, wouldn’t you?” His voice deepens and he trails a finger beneath my lower lip. He has some sort of weird fascination with my lips.
“Maybe,” I say on a whisper.
“Aunt Riley and Kyle, I’m ready!” Eve says from outside of our door.
Kyle pecks me on the mouth. “Save that thought for later. Coming,” he calls to Riley.
“Wait.” I stop him by grabbing his arm.
For a few beats I just stand there, my heart hammering in my chest. The words I want to say are on the tip of my tongue. But so is my fear. What I have to say will likely change everything between us. However, I can’t keep it in any longer.
“I love you,” I blurt out in a rush. “I-I know that’s not what you wanted from this marriage. Or its intention. But …” I clear my throat. “I love you.” The words feel right coming out of my mouth even if his reaction terrifies me.
“Come on!” Eve shouts through the door. She starts knocking. “What are you guys doing in there?”
My grip slips from Kyle’s arm as he moves to the door to answer it. “We’re coming. Show me where you’ve put the ingredients,” he tells her. He gives me one last look over his shoulder before my niece leads him to the kitchen.
My heart feels as if someone just stomped on it.
“This motherfucker,” I gripe as I see Brendan Chastain’s name on my phone.
Like I don’t have enough to think about with Dean’s dumb ass still missing three weeks after the press conference. More important, Riley told me her true feelings. For the first time ever, words stuck in my throat when she told me those three words.
Not today, though. It’s a Saturday morning and Eve spent the night over my parents’ house because she and Stasi made plans for early this morning.
Today, I’m going to I’m in love with her, too.
“What?” I answer, regretting that I gave him my cell number months ago.
“Kyle, we should meet for coffee while I’m in town.” He actually sounds like he thinks we’re friends.
“No,” I say while I lean against the doorframe and watch my wife sleeping in our bed.
When she rolls over, one of her legs sticks out from underneath the blanket. My dick instantly grows hard.
“How about sometime next week? I can extend my stay,” Brendan continues.