Page 101 of Love Me
“He’s not worth it,” I say just above a whisper.
He leans down and brushes his lips across mine. My entire body heats up and suddenly I forget where we are.
Until …
“What’s this?”
Diego’s top lip curls as he looks over at Lawrence who just asked that question. His hold around my waist tightens, but he moves me to his side.
“You don’t like having your teeth, do you?”
“Diego.” I squeeze his hand.
Lawrence looks over at me, suspicion in his eyes. “It isn’t bad enough that you got me fired from my upcoming shows? Huh? Are you telling me you were lying to me the entire time in our relationship when I asked you about him?”
My forehead wrinkles as I try to work out what the first part of his question even means.
“I never did anything to your or your shows,” I tell him.
“That was me,” Diego says, stepping into Lawrence’s face. “You lost your shows and ongoing projects because I put in a few calls. Trust me when I say I wanted to do a lot worse. I still can if you have specific feelings about it,” he threatens.
Everyone in our vicinity understands it’s a threat as well. The woman with Lawrence has gone completely silent, though she peers my way scowling from time to time.
Lawrence takes an obvious step back. He points at me. “She told me there was nothing more than friendship going on between you two.” He looks at me with narrowed eyes.
“Don’t fucking look at her,” Diego says through gritted teeth. “She told you the truth. You made a choice. Deal with it.” He takes a step forward.
I grab his arm. “Diego, no.”
“What’s going on here?” another deep, slightly raspy voice asks.
I turn to see a tall Asian man dressed in all black. He’s a bit hypnotizing with his perfectly square jaw, perfect, clear skin, and eyes the same color as his clothing. The hard set of his square jaw speaks to his irritation.
I can’t help but to notice that he would be absolutely gorgeous if it weren’t for the wicked scary scowl on his face.
“This son of a bitch needs to leave,” Diego says without looking the guy’s way. As if he knows who he is. “Now,” he barks out.
“This is my club, remember?” the new man says. “I don’t take orders.”
“Yeah,” the woman with Lawrence suddenly finds her courage, “you can’t kick us out.”
“But I can,” the owner says. His voice isn’t raised at all. But it’s as if with those three words all other noise dies down.
“Wh-What?” she demands.
“I don’t repeat myself.” He dismisses her with a look. Then gives a barely noticeable nod of his head.
Before I can blink, there are two huge guards standing beside Lawrence and his girlfriend.
“Come with us,” they say in not too friendly tones.
They must not be too stupid because neither of them puts up much of a fuss. My ex does start to look my way, but Diego moves in between him and me, blocking his view.
He mouths something to Lawrence that I can’t hear. Whatever it is, it causes Lawrence’s face to drop, fear invading his features.
I make a mental note to ask Diego what he told him later when we’re alone. When I look over at Kennedy to make sure she’s alright, I’m surprised by the expression on her face.
She’s paled, her mouth ajar, and it looks like she’s seen a ghost. I glance back to find her staring at the owner of The Black Opal.