Page 6 of Love Me
I shake my head to refocus.
“I’m sorry. I can’t even imagine how difficult the past six months have been for you,” I tell her. It’s been half a year since Sharia was murdered by Mikey’s father.
“I won’t ask you to wait until I can get it together, but please know that I’ll always support you and Mikey in anything you need. Sharia was a rare talent, and her beauty will live on in the works she created.”
“Thank you, Monique.”
A few minutes later, I hang up more dejected than when I called her. I glance over at the counter at the glass of wine. A few more sips won’t hurt anything.
Right as I start toward the counter, a pounding on my door scares the hell out of me.
“What the?” I murmur at the same time I look toward my bedroom, wondering if I need to retrieve the weapon I keep in my bedroom for intruders.
A relieved sigh whooshes from my lungs when I hear Diego’s voice on the other side of the door.
“Coming,” I shout when he continues to knock like something’s on fire. “Diego, what’s wrong?”
The sight of my best friend standing in front of me wild-eyed like he’s ready to attack someone or something has my heart racing.
“What happened? Why’re you here?”
“Are you hurt?” he asks, his cinnamon eyes searching my face.
“No. Why?”
He brushes past me, leaving me to close the door behind him. He’s stalking around my half-furnished living room like a caged animal.
“You’re freaking me out,” I tell him. “Did something happen at home?”
He stops in the middle of my living room and looks at me again. “That fucker didn’t do anything to you, did he? I’ll beat his ass again if he did.”
The words come out through gritted teeth.
I move closer to him and take his hands in mine. Meeting his gaze, I ask, “What the hell are you talking about?”
He towers over my five-foot-six body from his six-foot-one height, searching my gaze.
“Don’t lie for him, Monique. I caught his ass on the beach in Miami dancing and kissing another woman. Did he cheat on you?” He pulls his hands from mine. “I knew I should’ve knocked his ass out cold. He cheated on you, didn’t he?”
“Who … Are you talking about Lawrence?”
My ex-fiancé.
Yet another disappointment in the last few months.
“He was dancing with some woman on the beach while engaged to you. He said you broke up with him though.”
My stomach muscles tighten. I shouldn’t be surprised he found someone else to keep him company at his big showcase.
I’d be lying if I said it didn’t hurt a little.
Especially considering the reason he dumped me.
I push out a breath. “He must be down there for Art Basel. Is that what you were there for?”
“Answer the damn question,” he insists.