Page 76 of Love Me
“In fact, he deserved worse. I’m just ashamed that it wasn’t me that put him in that hospital bed.”
“How dare?” his mother says. “I want her arrested.”
The detective actually takes a step in my direction.
“Don’t come near me.” I meet the detective’s gaze, and then look back at Slater’s parents. “You both know what type of son you raised. He’s a selfish bastard, and this isn’t the first ass whooping he’s deserved. I’m sure of that.”
Both of their faces turn red. My stomach plummets because from their expressions, I can see their guilt. They must know their son isn’t the innocent victim they’re trying to make him out to be.
For the first time, I wonder if there are any other exes of Slater’s that he’s done this to. Were they able to fend him off the way I was?
The thought causes nausea to rise in my stomach. I suppress the feeling in order to get my next declaration out.
“You two are the worst type of parents. You’ve allowed him to become the scum he is. I promise you, if you push ahead with pressing charges against my friend, I will go to the police myself.”
I reach up and unravel the scarf from around my neck.
His mother’s hand flies to her face and she takes in the bruises. His father’s expression turns ghastly as all color drains from his face.
“I know for damn sure the last thing either one of you want to do is have this in the news. But I swear to God if you don’t drop those fucking charges, I will scream from every rooftop what your son did to me. Trust me when I say, whatever Diego did or didn’t do to Slater, will be a cakewalk if my father finds out what your piece of shit son did to me.”
I let my comments sink in. His mother’s eyes continue to linger on my neck. The haughty, holier-than-thou expression she had on when I first walked in is nowhere to be found.
Slater’s father looks like he’s a few seconds away from passing out. This must be what it looks like when you’re forced to confront your own sins.
Slater’s parents weren’t in that room with us, but at this moment, I have no doubt that their coddling behavior of him over the years led to where we are right now.
“And once I start talking, I wonder how many other girls will come forward with similar stories?” I finally say.
Unfortunately, I know from reading about my own sick biological father that these types of bastards never just do this type of thing to one person. The term repeat offender comes to mind.
I take one last look at everyone in the room. They’re all silent. I don’t say anything more before I leave.
With each step I take, my legs become more and more shaky. I’m able to make it to the far stairwell before I break down into sobs.
“Mo?” I call as she stares off, looking at nothing.
She blinks and turns to me as if seeing me anew. “Sorry, what did you say?”
We’re spending this Saturday afternoon at the open air art market. Monique scouted a few artists via their social media pages and wanted to check some of them out in person. But she’s been a little adrift since we arrived thirty minutes ago.
“Where’d you go?” I ask, wanting to know what has her so distracted.
She gives me a half-smile that doesn’t reach those eyes that I love looking into. “I’m right here.”
I take her hand and squeeze. “You know the problem with dating your best friend?” I ask. “I know all of your facial expressions. I can tell when you’re lying. So let’s not do that.”
She rolls her eyes, and her smile turns genuine. “Of course you do.”
I tug her hand to get her gaze to meet mine again. “What happened?”
She shakes her head. “Nothing.” She pushes out a breath. “I was just thinking about …” Her voice trails off.
I come to a stop directly in front of her. We’re surrounded by art enthusiasts, people who are looking to buy, and tables with eager artists standing behind them, ready to sell their work. But I cup her face like there’s no one else around.