Page 20 of Reptile Dysfunction
The red light we’re stopped at turns green, and I point to the library in the distance. Fred takes the hint and proceeds through the light. “Because they have something interesting to say. Don’t you want to be interesting, Fred?”
A few hours and several fabricated records later, I’ve managed to piece together the perfect theoretical stone that will open the floodgates on Mayor Wendall’s true motivations. So what if I have to fudge a few things first? It’s not to replace evidence or fake things. It’s meant to point people in the right direction.
It’s exactly what I say to Fred after he gets tired of watching me work. A bribe always gets voters' attention, and my Photoshop skills are on-point. Still, the zombie insists on questioning my motives.
“I’m not trying to get this to stand up in a court of law,” I explain, though I’ve also already said that to him.
“What does a court of law have to do with lying to readers?” Fred crosses his arms as I collect the myriad papers symbolizing my ticket out of here.
“This isn’t for readers to see,” I reply. “It’s for Eddie and his editor's eye to find.”
“And that makes this better?”
“If it means this will motivate him to look deeper and find some real evidence, which we both know is there.”
“Who? You and me? Or Eddie and you?” The zombie’s head tilts from side to side like a lost puppy.
“All of us.” I put both my hands on his shoulders and squeeze. “We can do this if we work together.”
I’m not beneath giving credit where credit is due. If Fred is smart enough to bet on a winning horse – me – I won’t forget him when I’m onto bigger and better stories. And towns. And colleagues. I’m not like that. I would never, and neither will future me. Back-on-top me.
“Are you a fool or something?” Fred’s words hit me, and I flinch as he walks away.
I frown but quickly smooth out my features. No matter. A journalist goes it alone when she needs to.
It doesn’t take more than a couple of hours for my evidence to get Eddie’s attention. I’m in the middle of another internet search when I get a text from the man of the hour.
You have some nerve keeping this from me, came Eddie’s first text. I smile, thinking I’ve finally got his attention. He thinks this is real and that I’ve buried the lede somehow.
We need to talk. Now. Meet me at the office.
I’m giddy the whole way over. Though I know it will pain Eddie to realize I fudged a few things to make it look like Mayor Wendall took a bribe, he’ll understand once we really uncover what’s going on.
“You’re on probation. I’ll give you specific directions for your next assignment, and no investigating any project I haven’t specifically ordered,” the editor-in-chief says bluntly as soon as I strut in. The single light currently glowing in the newsroom flickers, catching my attention as much as his words do.
“What? Why?”
“Because you faked this!” Eddie holds up my hard work like it’s some diner menu peppered with typos.
“But –”
“And the only reason that I’m not firing you outright is because Mayor Wendall wouldn’t like it.”
My skin grows hot at the name. What does annoyingly gorgeous and shady Mayor Wendall have to do with who Eddie does and doesn’t let do their job? “I –”
“Have a habit of interrupting people, I know.” Eddie’s pacing, gesticulating wildly. I hold my tongue and let him finish. “You also don’t listen and can’t focus on anything but what you want to believe. Can you see how that’s bad for business?”
“I only meant to expose the truth.” I keep my voice even, void of emotion though my cheeks are on fire.
“And if that’s true, which I don’t think it is, not completely, then you’ll relish this time away to think about how you’ve managed yourself,” Eddie replies.
I don’t fight as he walks to the front door and opens it, no doubt suggesting I leave and wait for him to call.
“You’re lucky I’ve read your actual work,” he continues as I grab a few things from my desk and hustle out, my head as high as I can manage. “The pieces you complete without letting your ambitions get in the way.”
“Why does everyone keep suggesting that!” I spin around to face him despite myself. Has anyone in the town of Curiosity heard of hard work? Of doing what it takes?
Eddie shakes his head. “Maybe that’s the scoop you should be following.”