Page 49 of Reptile Dysfunction
“First off, all your claims of corruption have been proven baseless and false by several sources. It’s my job to report facts, not incite mob violence because of wild speculation.”
“Don’t think you can talk to me that way –”
“Secondly,” I continue, ignoring his attempt to interrupt me. “You didn’t hire me, I work for the press, where I report the truth after evidence is discovered. By that proxy, I answer to the people who are not interested in slanderous reports against one of Curiosity’s most devoted citizens.”
“This has been a waste of time. I’m leaving now!” he shouts out at me, cranking up the engine. His furious denunciation has distracted him from the fact that his disguise has started to slip down, and while he doesn’t realize it yet, I can easily identify him.
“I couldn’t agree more, Representative Kimbry. Tell me, are these allegations based on the last mayoral election you lost, or is it your antiquated fear of gorgons and the other, more colorful, citizens of Curiosity?”
I should have seen this coming from a mile away, especially after doing election coverage in the early days of my career. Politics is one of the most cutthroat professions after all, and there are plenty of people who wield their power vindictively in an effort to discredit rivals.
In my early research on Mason Wendall, I focused my efforts on his close contacts and allies, but I also included a few more prominent enemies in my investigation. Representative Kimbry had been on the fast track for breaking into a major political office by the time he was twenty-five, at least before endorsing Mason’s competition in the last campaign. He threw around insinuations about Mason bullying his way into office because of the nature of the Mayor’s heritage and dropped in the popularity polls as a result.
Kimbry has been quiet since the election but apparently, he was just buying time until he could find the smallest infraction in order to smear Wendall’s reputation and vindicate his past statements. Then I came along, and he must have seen me as the perfect agent of chaos to do his dirty work.
The representative peels out, cursing at me and raging behind his windshield. I don’t even bother watching him leave. Instead, I turn around and head straight back to the office. Despite the mystery being solved, I know just from this simple interaction that I’ve still got a lot of work to do in order to fix the mess I seem to have put myself in. Again.
I spend the rest of the afternoon and evening writing up the draft for my article. I also schedule another meeting with Mason through his assistant, mostly because I am too chicken to contact him directly.
The next day, before my meeting with Mason, I get Eddie’s blessing to present my finished piece to Mason before publication.
“Good luck,” he tells me. “I can’t speak to how he’ll react, but I’ve always found that honesty is the best policy.”
The pep talk with Eddie does little to settle my anxiety, though. I can feel my feet wiggling in nervous anticipation while I wait outside Mason’s office, but I can’t do anything about it. Finally, the door opens, and I clutch the folder close to me as I step inside.
This space is familiar now, the man at the desk even more so. Mason looks to be studying a small-scale model of Curiosity, left by some ambitious developer, no doubt. He gives me a small smile in welcome but seems to remember himself last minute and simply gestures to one of the seats. I settle in and hand the file over to him.
“This is my full article before it goes to press. I wanted your official approval for anything I’ve written, in case there are any mistakes I need to correct,” I offer, doing my best to keep my tone even.
“You know you have my permission to write what you see fit,” he answers evenly, taking the file from my hands.
“Please read it, all the same,” I respond, looking at him, silently pleading.
He looks down at the file and starts to silently read. I can’t help but watch his reaction even as I try to play it cool, so I see the moment when his expression changes.
“This is a complete retraction,” he says quietly, with widened eyes.
I nod in response. “Despite the spread, and a couple of other bits, I never really retracted all the slander and accusations I threw your way when I first moved here. As a journalist, I know how serious defamation can be, and it was wrong to put you through that.”
“You had a whole host of bad experiences before you met me that shaped your perception,” he replies, his voice soft as he continues to read. “I never had a problem with you challenging me, only that the facts were being twisted. But it seems like your investigation has come to a conclusion in that regard.”
“It has,” I murmur gently, watching him carefully. Even his snake companions seem to have settled and are also looking at my article intently. As I study him, I realize that in spite of everything that has occurred, this unique, mythical man could be a fundamental part of my story.
“Although we’ve talked about it, I never officially apologized, and I wanted to do so now. You didn’t deserve my mistrust, nor did the Curiosity’s citizens deserve to have one of their own put through an informal witch trial. I never want to do that to you again.”
“It’s alright,” he returns, coming around the desk now. “I know better than most what it means to be passionate about your career and your causes. You were trying to do right in your own way, and I will always believe that about you.”
“Whatever I’m passionate about, it shouldn’t come at the expense of damaging you,” I argue. “I love you too much to want to be the cause of pain for you, not ever again.”
“You love me?” he asks in a hushed tone.
I startle, realizing how much I just let slip out. Blushing in embarrassment, I start to stammer out another apology, but I find myself encased in Mason’s arms. Then he is kissing me, as deeply and powerfully as any kiss I could have hoped for.
Our tongues sweep over each other, writhing in a combination of joy and desire. Mason’s kisses are drugging deep. I find myself falling more into his arms, knees giving out as he hoists me against his firm build as we wrap around each other and lose ourselves in the moment.
Now that I’m kissing him again, my world feels like it’s tilting right back on its axis. I hadn’t realized how much I truly missed being with this man during our short separation. Now that we’re together again, I never want to leave his arms.
“I love you, too,” he answers, pulling back for a moment. “I was hurt because I was falling in love with you, and I was worried your ambitions would be more important.”