Page 35 of The Mystery of the Morelock Motel
“Did that hurt for you to say?” Oliver asked with a grin.
“Not as much as I expected.”
When they arrived at the clearing, Dave and Demetrius were back to standing and staring at the well. A light rain started to fall again, and Oliver heard Cody sigh.
“Why does it always have to be somewhere in the woods?” Cody said. “At night. In the rain. Jesus Christ.”
“It wasn’t raining the night the werewolves took over Parson’s Hollow, was it?” Oliver said as he lifted the rope from around his neck and rubbed at the sore spot.
“Werewolves?” Katherine said. “Plural? Earlier you just mentioned the one. There are more?”
“Used to be,” Cody said. “Demmy and I took down the alpha, and that broke the curse.” He straightened up and looked around the clearing. “No sign of our lovely hostess to this deadly party. So now what? Pour gas into the well and drop a match?”
Oliver made a face. “I don’t think that’s going to work. For one, it’s raining pretty hard, so no match is going to stay lit. And from the quick look I got, she was partially submerged in water.”
“Okay. Any suggestions?” Cody said. “Demmy’s always been the idea guy. I’m the muscle.”
“We’re screwed,” Katherine muttered.
“Hey now,” Cody said.
“We could try to lasso the body and haul it up,” Oliver said.
“Lasso the body?” Cody said. “Did you recently take cowboy lessons or something?”
“No, but it’s a suggestion.”
“A bad one.”
“I didn’t say it was a winner,” Oliver said. “I just made a suggestion, since you admitted you’re not an idea man.”
“Keep it down, both of you,” Katherine said. “The first thing we need to do is figure out what to do about your men. She’ll never let you get close to that well with those two guard dogs out there.”
“That’s what this is for.” Cody held up the roll of duct tape.
“You’re suggesting we tape them up?” Oliver said.
“That’s exactly what I’m suggesting.” Cody handed the duct tape to Katherine. “Only she’s going to do it while you and I hold them down.”
“Me?” Katherine’s voice rose in pitch. “No. Not a chance. I’ve done my part. Hell, I’ve done more than my part.”
“We need another pair of hands for this,” Cody said. “And you’re it.”
“No.” Katherine shook her head and tossed the duct tape back to Cody. “I’m not going out there with those bewitched bastards.”
“You’ve spent a lot of time and money over the years trying to keep people away from the motel,” Oliver said.
Katherine scowled. “So?”
“I know you’re scared. So am I, and I’m sure Cody is as well.”
“Probably not as scared as you,” Cody said.
Oliver looked at him. “Not helping.”
“Okay. Stepping down.” Cody clamped his lips tight.
Oliver looked back at Katherine. “If you help us, we can put an end to this once and for all. You won’t have to skulk around the woods in a mask and wig and scare people off any longer. You can live your life at peace with what you’ve done here.”