Page 14 of Snuggle Bug
Calloway does as instructed, leaning against my chest. I press my nose against the nape of his neck, rubbing it up and down, a sigh escaping me that I’m certain will relax him. I want him to hear it. My excitement. How eager his need for me makes me.
I plunge my hand between his legs, then cup his cock. "Hard as a rock. No surprise there."
Calloway whimpers. His body tenses, his back arching. "For you."
"I've got you, boy. Goodness, you're horny for your Daddy, aren't you?"
Unbuttoning Calloway’s onesie, I pull his cock out, gripping the base. The length extends between his legs, the shaft quivering in my palm.
Calloway twists against my body, his dewy eyelashes falling down over his cheeks. His eyes are closed shut, refusing to drink in the sight of my hand on him for the first time.
"Open your eyes."
Calloway’s unable to obey me. "I can’t. I’ll come."
"There’s nothing wrong with that."
Calloway tentatively opens his eyes. First the left, then the right. Each flutters open slowly, taking in the world around him at first, then peering downward at my hand on his dick. "Your hand is so big."
I move my fingers up and down, stroking his length. He pushes his head back, a whimper escaping him as his fingers cinch around my arm.
"Yeah, sweet Calloway. This is what you’ve wanted for so long, isn’t it? Dreamt about. Fantasized about while you laid in bed next to me. I wish I would’ve known you’d been beating this precious shaft while thinking about my cock. I like the thought of that a whole lot."
Calloway wriggles on my lap, his ass stroking my hardness that twitches between my legs. "I’m going to come, Daddy. I can’t help it. Oh, please take your hand off my wee. This was a bad idea, I never should’ve told you to do it. This will embarrass me so much. Oh, gods—"
I’ve barely touched Calloway at all.
Ten seconds.
Calloway’s balls rise up in his sack as his cock shoots out hot spurts of cum. They squirt onto the cuddle room floor, some trickling down my clenched fist.
His pink head throbs, pushing out more cum, and his cock doesn’t stop spasming.
I plant a kiss on his neck. "Don't feel ashamed."
"I didn’t mean to make cummies so quickly. I feel so ashamed, Daddy. I never should’ve pushed you into doing this. It was a bad idea. I thought you’d like it, but now you don't like me, I know it. Please don't push me away, Daddy. I wish I’d never brought this up."
I turn Calloway’s head around. "You’re perfect, sweet boy. I wish every guy came as quickly as you. It’s not fair to their partners that they don’t. Imagine having to wait a long time for your partner to come. I couldn’t stand that. I only want to be with a perfect guy like you who comes when I want him to. Right away. Straight onto my palm."
I bring my hand to my lips, then lick Calloway’s cum.
He presses his head into my chest. "I can’t believe you did that."
"Best dessert ever."
Calloway grabs my arm and pulls it away. "Now, I’m really embarrassed."
"Never feel embarrassed around me. I like you. I want you. I’m crazy about you. Christ, you’ve rearranged my entire world and helped me see what matters most. You, sweet one. For a long time, I was blind. I’d go to bed early, wake up early for work, and focus my energy on my career. Being a lawyer is great, but I was neglecting that which mattered most. So often in life, we give priority to the things that we won’t care about in the end. When we’re on our deathbeds, and the dandelion of our life has turned from yellow to gray, and all we’re good for is blowing new seeds into the world, new life, I won’t care about how much money I made. How many cases I won."
"You defend the innocent, Daddy. Don't regret it."
"I never regret helping someone accused of a crime off the hook. That gives my life meaning. Especially when prosecutors go after people who are fundamentally decent people to further their own careers. Black men, especially young ones, are given decades in prison for things that white men wouldn’t get a slap on the wrist for. Helping people is why I do what I do. Still, sometimes it’s easy to lose track of that and I focus on the shallow things—how much money a client pays me, my track record in the courtroom, how I look in front of news cameras. It’s an easy trap to fall into in this materialistic world of ours. We judge one another by our accomplishments, and how much money we have in our bank accounts but we overlook that which makes our hearts sing songs of joy. Love. True love."
"You’ve found that with me now, Daddy. True love."
"Yes, I have. And you’re the bestest, sweetest, most perfectest love bug in the world, aren’t you? You’re full of rainbows and snuggles. That’s what I tasted when I licked up your cummies—nothing but rainbows."