Page 40 of Snuggle Bug
I burst into laughter and then throw my arms around him. "Silly."
Greyson pats my head. "Keeping your teeth clean is never silly. It’s the most important thing you can do for your oral health."
"Not the most important thing."
Greyson tousles my hair, then laughs. "Good point. Okay, it’s the second-most important thing, but you can’t do the most important thing unless you have healthy teeth. No one will want your mouth around their wee with stinky breath."
I’m too shy to look into Greyson’s eyes any longer, so I hide behind my elbow. "I never have stinky breath. Only breath that smells like roses for Daddy."
Greyson tickles me under my armpits. I groan, trying hard not to laugh, because once I start I won’t be able to stop. Worse yet, I’ll have to use the restroom.
A tingle zaps up my spine. I squeal, covering my bits with my hands, then issue Greyson a stern look. "Be careful, Daddy!"
Greyson kisses my cheek. "It wouldn’t hurt to use the potty one more time before we head over to the Hug Club, would it?"
Tonight, Greyson and I are partaking in the Best Hugger competition. I’d totally forgotten that Bryce had told us to enter before we left the group therapy session earlier this week. Truth be told, I was far too focused on Greyson spinning me around in a circle, making me feel like a little airplane to pay much attention to Bryce.
Greyson reminded me that we were competing last night. My jaw tumbled to my feet, and I insisted that we practice hugging right away. We locked arms for ten minutes straight, just melting into each other and being the best huggers we could be. It was only supposed to be practice, which is why it was so funny when we immediately went for another hug when we broke apart. We stayed close to each other for the rest of the night, never splitting up even when we had to go to the bathroom. When Greyson took a shower, I went in with him, and kept him company by hugging him from behind. When I had to use the potty before bed, Greyson sat across from me, holding my hand as he encouraged me to make lemonade.
I’m worried that we’ll run into a ton of great huggers tonight. We will be at the Hug Club, after all, and hugging is kinda everyone’s thing. I think about Waxley and Wren, who’ll for sure enter the competition. BJ will be there, too, although I can’t be certain who he’ll hug. Maybe Bryce will get over his trepidations about BJ and agree to be his Daddy. Or at least go on a date with BJ, perhaps take BJ onto one of his diggers. BJ would love that, and even though Bryce insists that he’ll never see BJ as anything other than a pest, I can tell some part of Bryce wants BJ to be his boy.
Other Littles and their Daddies will likely show up. My friend Quinton will be there, and so will a few Littles that I met during the group therapy session. They all expressed interest when Bryce spoke about the competition, so I’m sure we’ll have plenty of qualified huggers to compete with.
I looked back through the Hug Club’s five-year history last night, and was astonished to find out that they’ve hosted a Best Hugger competition every year. Last year, I would’ve been seventeen when they hosted it, because it happened before I met Greyson. Now, pride wells up inside of me. I’m old enough to never miss an event at the Hug Club again. Greyson will take me to every single one, and they’ll all be amazing.
My eyes flit down to the potty. I wish I had a cute potty, a Little one with cartoon drawings on it that sang when I went so I'd feel more comfortable.
"I need to go, but I don't want to use the big boy potty." I sniffle.
Greyson rubs my lower back. "You’re in luck. Wait right here, boy. Daddy will reach under the sink and pull out what he purchased for you last week. He ordered it online, and all week long, he’s been checking the front porch for the delivery. To Daddy’s great surprise, it came early this morning while you were still sleeping. I slipped out of bed, unwrapped it, and brought it here to the bathroom for you."
Greyson leans down, cracks open the sink cupboard, and pulls out the potty of my dreams. It’s exactly like the one I’ve envisioned in my fantasies. It’s rainbow colored, adorable, and it even has teddies on the sides. When Greyson presses a button, the teddies light up and sing a song.
I giggle. "This is soooo cute."
Greyson sets my Little potty on the real toilet. "Pull down your pants, boy."
I shake my head, then issue Daddy a timid look. "Daddy do it."
Greyson unbuttons my khaki shorts, then tugs them down to my teddy bear socks. My bits are protected by my teddy briefs, so he wriggles those down to my knees, preparing me for the task.
Greyson lifts me by the hips and sets me on the potty. I moan, hiding behind my palms as I make my lemonade. I’m an extra good boy who doesn’t get shy in front of Daddy.
After I finish, Greyson lifts me up by my hips, and sets me on the ground. He pulls my undies and shorts up. "You’re a good boy. It makes me happy to see you overcome your shyness. I’m so proud of you."
I wiggle in my teddy briefs, shaking my bum. "I am good!"
Greyson envelops me in a bear hug. It isn’t a bad thing at all because it serves as more practice for the hug we’ll give each other during the competition.
Greyson leans back, his eyes combing over my lips, nose, and eyes. "We really need to leave."
* * *
The Hug Club is party central when we arrive. Lullabies play from big speakers, filling the main playroom with joy. Littles in onesies practice hugging each other, because they’re not allowed to hug their Daddies before the competition begins. Some boys and pups are munching on cookies by a snack table and sipping punch. In the back, I spot Waxley and Wren. Wren is helping Waxley into his steamship onesie, and Waxley is trying his best not to hug Wren.
I turn to Greyson. "Look, Daddy. Waxley is here."
Greyson groans, then palms his forehead. "The one couple we can’t beat."