Page 9 of Snuggle Bug
All I can hope for is a wet dream on Greyson’s lap.
My snuggle bug is awake again. My perfect, precious snuggle bug.
They’re an invasive species in the Hug Club. There isn’t enough boy repellant in the world to keep them away.
I smile as I kiss his cheek. "You’re up."
Calloway nods, his chin falling on his chest. "Sure am."
"Did you have sweet dreams?"
Turning his head ever-so-slightly, he shoots me a heart-melting smile. "I dreamt about you and me, Daddy. In the bathtub. You scrub me and then you tell me that you’d better take care of my boner because that’s what a good Daddy always does for his boy."
Oh, my stars. I can’t believe Calloway says what he says around me.
For nearly a year, I’ve assumed that he knew basically nothing about sex. That’s because he was truly innocent when we got together, barely capable of discussing adult topics at all. He’d blush and giggle when he heard other couples mention sex at the Hug Club, and I figured it was best to keep my distance.
Our conversation tonight tells me that I’ve misread the truths written on the scrolls of his heart. He knows more than he lets on, and I know he wants me. His cock hasn’t gone down under his onesie even once, not during the entire time he was sleeping.
I wonder what time it is. Then, I realize that I don't care.
That’s the beauty of the cuddle room. We fall out of sync with chronological time, the constraints we attempt to pose on the fabric of the universe in a futile attempt to give meaning to chaos. Time isn’t something you can measure. There is no forward-facing arrow of time that drags us all along with every tick of the clock.
Close your eyes, in the right space with the right boy, and minutes become hours. I can traverse centuries with Calloway by my side.
"You must be careful before you speak like that, sweet Calloway. You’ll make my dick so hard it'll turn to stone."
Calloway burrows into my chest, building a miniature bear’s den that will protect him from the harsh elements of my cutting words. "You need to be careful with what you say around me. There are things I haven’t told you about my past, things that’d make you see me in a different light. A not-so-innocent light. I’ve never told you about some of the things I’ve thought before, because I’ve been afraid I’d scare you off. Now that I know you do find me attractive, and that you can’t keep your eyes off me, I’m tempted to reveal everything. Truths about your boy that might make you worry for me. Or tell me to go into counseling."
A laugh escapes me. "I guess we both have things about ourselves we haven’t told the other."
Calloway rests on my chest, his thumb traveling to his mouth. He sucks it as the gears turn in his mind.
He’s thinking. Pondering. Debating telling me certain things that he’s concerned I’ll find—what? Offensive? Too much?
Impossible. Calloway could tell me anything and I wouldn’t judge him. He’s my boy, I’m his Daddy, and I adore him, quirks, kinks and all.
Calloway finally manages to look at me. "I’ve been a bad boy."
Another pulse of electricity zaps through me. I push out a growl, my hand moving between my legs to adjust myself. I’ve been hard since we stepped into the cuddle room. Hell, I’ve been hard for nearly the entire year I’ve been with Calloway. No matter how much I rub myself at times, my arousal doesn’t fade.
Certain fires burn harder the more you attempt to put them out. Try throwing water on an electric blaze and watch what happens. Not only your kitchen, but your entire apartment complex could burn down.
"Listen, boy. If you’re going to speak that way, give Daddy a head’s up first. My balls are so blue they’re turning into glaciers."
Calloway’s fingers steal a fistful of my shirt, then clutch it. "I’m so glad we’re discussing these things with each other. It makes me feel like we’re truly partners."
"I accept you for who you are, Calloway. I apologize that this openness and honesty between us took so long to come about. I’ll make up for it today, and answer every question that you have, no matter how much the old me would’ve preferred to plug his ears. Likewise, I’ll listen to everything you have to tell me with an open mind. I’m learning to see you as the man you are. The strong, brave, kind-hearted eighteen-year-old man who’s soon going to be nineteen and going off to college. A man who will experience all of the temptations of the world in a very short time, who cannot afford for his Daddy to shelter him a moment longer. You’re so much more than the boy I wash, care for, feed, and change. You have needs and desires. Ones you want me to help you fulfill. Bear with me if I still stumble a time or two while you tell me what you need to so you can get it out of your heart. Your Daddy is still learning."
Calloway’s cheek rubs my chest. "You’re so kind and compassionate, Daddy. I wish you knew how much I appreciate you. Thank you for being willing to see me as a man. One that’s not all sweetness and innocence, who wets himself while studying and gets hard when he watches his Daddy clean it up."
I crook a brow. "Oh, hell no. You like watching me clean up your mess?"
"Whoopsie." Calloway clamps his lips shut. "Yeah, sometimes I do it on purpose. Not being able to keep my lemonade in my body makes me feel extra Little."