Page 105 of The Viper
Eliza moves over to sit on the edge of the bed. “I know we’ve only been here for however many days, but, I feel safe here. Dominic is kind.”
“Yeah, he is,” I say as I sit beside her.
She leans her elbows on her knees and angles forward, staring down at the floor. “Do you love him?”
My gut twists as I intake a shallow breath. “I feel conflicted talking to you about this.”
“Why?” Eliza straightens, and pulls one leg up on the bed as she angles toward me. “Is it because his brother is my abuser?”
“Essentially, yes,” I say as I mimic her posture. We sit cross-legged facing one another. “I feel guilty, Eliza.”
“Because you have the good brother, and I got the other one?”
“If it wasn’t for you marrying Adrian, I would’ve never met Dominic, because we’ve never been in this world. And here we are, both of us living comfortably in Dominic’s house while Adrian is out there plotting whatever the fuck he’s plotting.” I grab her hands and say, “If you’d tell me why you married him, then maybe I can understand your mind better.”
Eliza stiffens and shakes her head. “I thought I loved him,” her answer is cold and rehearsed. There’s so much more to this then she’s letting on.
“Who are you trying to protect? He’s gone now.”
“Like you said, he’s out there plotting some evil crap to do to all of us.” She lowers her gaze for a few seconds. “Dominic is a good man. It’s okay if you love him,” she says. This is her way of attempting to change the conversation.
“One day you’ll have to tell me. You can’t keep it a secret forever.”
Her eyes well with tears. “Maybe, but today isn’t that day.”
“I wish I knew how to help you. If only Mom and Dad were still here.”
Eliza’s lips press together and she lifts a brow. “Yeah,” she whispers. “If only.” Something tells me this is much bigger than Eliza and Adrian. I just wish I knew what. She wipes at the few tears and straightens. “I’m hungry. We should go down for breakfast.”
“I’m so proud of you.” I stand to my feet and hold my hands out so I can tug Eliza up off the bed.
“Am I dressed okay?” Eliza straightens her t-shirt, and runs her hand down her tights. “Should I wear something different?”
“Dominic doesn’t care what you wear, Eliza.”
“Are you sure?” How controlling was that fucker? “I know this is the first time I’ve had breakfast with you and Dominic, and whoever else he has there.”
“It’s usually just Dominic, Marco and me.”
“I should change.” She steps back in a mini panic attack. “Can I borrow some makeup please? I need to look good.”
“Stop.” I grab her flailing hands and hold them in mine. “They’re not like that here, Eliza.” Her body is trembling. “Breathe with me. Deep breath in.” I take a deep breath and watch as she does. “Big breath out.” Eliza emulates what I’m doing. We continue this for another five breaths while I keep her hands in mine. Her shaking eases and she gives me a small smile. “You okay?”
“I’m so sorry.”
I bring her in for a hug. “Don’t ever apologize.”
Eliza’s hold on my hands is tight and desperate. Adrian has fucked her up big time. She was never such an emotional mess before him. If Adrian ever comes back, I’ll fucking kill him myself and not lose a moment of sleep over it. “I’m okay now.” Eliza pulls back and smiles. “And I’m hungry.” She’s managed to settle whatever fear took over for those moments. I guess the fear is still there, and probably will be for a long time. But at least she’s taking baby steps forward.
“I’m hungry too. Come on.” Linking our fingers together we head toward downstairs.
I feel Eliza’s hesitation as we walk into the dining room. Dominic is sitting at the head of the table reading from his tablet. Marco is sitting to his left. “Morning,” I say and bend to give Dominic a kiss.
The moment he sees Eliza and me, he stands and walks over to Eliza to slide her seat out. “Ladies,” he says and waits for Eliza to sit.
I look to him and raise my brows. “What am I, chopped liver? You don’t do that for me.”
“I was seating Eliza first.” He pulls my seat out, and waits until I sit before tucking mine in. “Good morning, my love.” His love? That’s a new one. “Alba.”