Page 29 of The Viper
I shake my head. “The offer is generous, Dominic, but I can’t. I’ll figure something out.”
The door opens and a doctor walks in. “There’s no discussion,” Dominic says, having the last word before the doctor begins asking me questions and doing a basic exam on me.
The doctor spends about ten minutes and determines I’ll stay for another night to keep me on oxygen and if I’m fine by tomorrow then I’ll be released. She walks out, leaving Dominic and me alone.
“You do know staying with you is out of the question, right?”
Dominic snorts as he sits in his chair and crosses one leg over the other casually. “You’re adorable.”
I lift my brows as I turn on my side to face him. “Adorable? Wow, can you be any more condescending?”
“It’s actually a term of endearment.” He clicks his tongue to the roof of his mouth, though a tiny smirk turns up his lips. “You’re moving in with me.” He speaks the words with confidence and finality.
It’s no use on arguing with him at this stage, I can do that tomorrow when I’m discharged. “Do you know where my phone is?”
“Probably melted.” Ugh, of course it would be. “Who do you need to call?”
“Evelyn, I have work tomorrow, but obviously I won’t be able to go. I’m probably going to need a week so I can get myself together.” Dominic pinches the bridge of his nose. “What now?”
“You don’t listen.”
“To what?”
“You don’t need to get yourself together.” He air quotes my words. “You’re moving in with me.”
The skin beneath my right eye twitches. Is he not listening? “What part of ‘no’ aren’t you getting?”
He stands to his feet and paces toward the door. “I need a smoke, and I’m hungry.” He opens the door and exits the room.
“Well,” I mumble. “That went better than I thought.” The door opens again and Dominic stalks back in toward the bed. “I thought you were leaving.”
He leans down, his arms are either side of me keeping me caged to the bed. “This is the last time I repeat myself.” Dominic moves closer toward me, his breath hot on my lips. His sinful eyes locked onto mine. “You are moving in with me.”
I gulp as I continue watching the promise in his eyes. He cocks a brow and looks down to my lips before returning his hard stare back up to my eyes. I feel the words caught in my chest, my own voice wedged in my throat.
“About time,” he says before pushing off the bed and leaving the room.
I stay staring at the door, afraid, yet excited for him to return. I feel a flush of burn creeping up my torso. I lift my hand and run my fingers over my lips as I try to snap out of whatever spell he put on me.
What’s wrong with me?
The more time I spend with Dominic, the more I find myself drawn to him. He’s like a beacon, not of light, but of something entirely different. I don’t know what it is about him.
Clearly, he’s an attractive man, what with his auburn eyes that bore into me, his taut body that’s always dressed in impeccably fitted dark suits and just his mere height. He could easily intimidate me by standing over my five-foot-seven frame, but he doesn’t.
Thoughts of Dominic heat my body, causing me to become lost in the moment.
I scrub my hand over my face to distract myself long enough to dislodge images of him. “Stop it,” I scold myself. Nothing good can come from a man like Dominic Sacco. Look at my sister, Eliza. It’s obvious she doesn’t love Adrian, but for whatever reason she married him, quickly. The Saccos aren’t people to be messed with, nor are they people to get involved with.
The door opening startles me. Dominic has returned carrying a paper bag. “I thought you were leaving,” I say. “Didn’t you say you were hungry?”
“I am.” He lifts the paper bag onto the little portable table and wheels it over to me. “Minestrone.” Dominic opens the top of the bag and takes out a bowl of soup, two sets of flatware, and crusty bread.
“You got me soup?”
“Of course, Rosa.” I don’t even bother correcting him. “Don’t worry, it’s vegetarian.” He removes a second plate covered in aluminum, takes a set of flatware and moves to sit on the edge of the bed. “Eat.” He pointedly looks to the soup in front of me.
“It smells amazing,” I say as I close my eyes and let the aroma travel. I open my eyes to Dominic watching me. “What have you got?”