Page 5 of The Viper
Her words couldn’t ring truer. He really is. “He’s my brother,” I say with finality.
“And he’s a jerk,” she repeats as if I’m supposed to agree with her. “He put his hands on my ass.”
He did what? I clear my throat and look to find my brother. “I’m sure that was unintended,” I say, although I’ll fucking kill him if he tries that shit again. I don’t give a fuck that he’s my older brother, and the underboss. I’ll lay him out.
“You would think so, eh? Except he asked me if now that he’s marrying my sister if he gets a two-for-one deal.”
I tighten my grip on Rose, angry. Adrian said what? He and I need words. “My brother is such a joker.”
“Funny that, because my sister said the same thing when I told her.” Rose shakes her head and clicks her tongue. “Talk about enabling.”
“I’ll speak to him.” I move my hand lower and drag Rose in closer. “But for now, I want to enjoy my time with the most beautiful woman in the room.”
Rose snickers. “Do lines like that actually work on women?”
“I don’t have problems. I can have any woman I want,” I say with irritation. She’s getting under my skin, and I hate that I’m allowing this to happen. “But what would you know about that?”
“What’s that supposed to mean?” I cock a brow arrogantly. Realization slowly crosses her face, and she throws her head back with a deep, guttural laugh. “Oh, my God. You think I’m a virgin.”
“You’re not?” My neck stiffens as I find myself mentally destroying any man who’s ever touched my girl. Rose can barely hold in the laughter. “You’re not?” I repeat as I stare at her.
Rose’s smile falls as she clicks her tongue again and scoffs while looking away. “Just like the rest of them,” she murmurs. “How dare you be judgmental of me? You’re the self-confessed man whore having any woman you want.” She steps back, creating a gap between us. “And I thought your brother was a jerk.” Eliza walks past us toward the bridal table, and I see Adrian walking out the front of the reception hall. Rose steps back and gives me a small nod. “Excuse me.” She doesn’t even wait for my reply, she’s already heading toward her sister.
I turn to look at her one more time before heading out to find Adrian. He’s talking with a few guys from our crew and boisterously laughing. “Hey,” he says and claps a hand to my shoulder. “I was just telling the boys that my sweet ass in there is in for a good night.” He waggles his brows at me then returns his attention to the others.
I don’t laugh. I don’t think he’s funny. “Give us a minute,” I say.
The crew all walk away, leaving Adrian and myself alone. “You alright?” Adrian takes his cigarettes out of his pocket and offers me one. I take it and place it between my lips. Adrian flicks his lighter and offers it to me first before lighting his own. “My woman looks hot, doesn’t she?”
“Did you put your hands on Rose?” I ask as I puff on my smoke.
“Fuck yeah. I’m gonna bend her over and fuck her ass.”
I look around to see who’s out here and who can hear him. I shift my weight so I’m facing Adrian. “Look.” I take the smoke out of my mouth and flick the ash forming. “You don’t touch Rose.”
“What the fuck?” Adrian growls. “I’ll fuck her if I want to.”
“You don’t touch her,” I warn slower.
“What? My little brother wants her?” He half shrugs. “You can have her after I’m done with her. She’s got a sweet ass, and I’m claiming it.”
“No, you’re not. You don’t touch her ever again.”
“Did that whore come running to you? Fucking slut. She needs to learn to shut her fucking mouth.” Adrian scowls as he looks toward the reception hall.
“Calm the fuck down. She didn’t come running. I forced it out of her.”
“She’s mine.” Adrian attempts to throw the weight of his authority against me. “Eliza will have my children, but Rose will be my whore.”
“No, she won’t. You won’t fucking touch her,” I find my voice is rising, matching Adrian’s tone.
“Rose is mine, you get it?” He shoves my shoulder causing me to take a step backward. His anger is also attracting stares from the crew.
I square up to Adrian, and get in his face. “You don’t fucking touch her.”
“Big tough man...”
“What’s going on?” Ruben asks from behind us both.