Page 83 of The Viper
“I want that ledger tomorrow, Dominic.”
“Of course.” But first, I need to return home and go over it myself.
Chapter twenty
Eliza stretches out on the bed and turns to face me. “How do you feel today?” I ask as I tuck my hands under the pillow and stare at her. The bruising is still obvious, but there’s small tinges of yellow around the outer edges of the dark that indicates healing.
“In truth, I’m struggling.”
“You’re free from him.”
“Am I? Don’t think I’m living in a world where he doesn’t know where I am.” I avert my eyes. “He knows, right?”
“I didn’t want to say anything, but yes, he knows.”
Eliza’s eyes redden, but she holds the tears back. “He’ll come for me soon.”
“No, he won’t. I won’t let him take you.” Eliza is trying her hardest to keep it together, but it’s clear to see she’s not coping. “Besides, I don’t think Dominic would allow him.”
Eliza sits up in bed and scrubs her hand over her face. “You have no idea the power he wields.”
“I know he’s Dominic’s boss, but, they’re brothers, and...”
Eliza looks over to me and takes in a sharp breath. “He doesn’t care that he’d upset his brother. Adrian is so evil. He’s cruel and heartless. He’s a psychopath, Rose. He has no empathy for anyone at all.”
I mimic her position, but cross my legs on the bed. “It would help if you’d tell me why you married him, Eliza.” Her shoulders stiffen and she shakes her head vehemently. “Come on.”
“No!” she snaps at me. “Stop asking. I won’t tell you.”
“How am I supposed to know how to help you?”
“Stop.” She holds up her hand. “Look...” Eliza’s shoulders soften as she purses her lips together. “I’m going to go back to him, I just needed a break for a few days.”
I leap to my feet and run my hand through my messy hair. “The hell you are! Are you insane? He’ll beat you to death.”
Her face drains of color as she stares toward the door, as if she’s waiting for Adrian to break it down, charge in here and take her. “It was my fault,” her voice cracks. “I should’ve been a better wife.”
Eliza is terrified of something more than Adrian. But she’s stubborn and won’t tell me what it is. “Like fuck. You said it yourself, he’s evil and doesn’t give a fuck about anyone but himself. You’re not going back.” I stand in front of the door as if she’s trying to escape.
“You don’t understand.” Eliza looks down at her wringing hands and plays with the tips of her fingers.
“Then explain it to me.” This is so frustrating, and she’s giving me nothing.
Eliza lifts her chin to look at me, her face drained of color, her eyes brimming with tears she’s holding back. “I can’t.”
I let my head loll back and groan in aggravation. “I’m working at the café and I need to get ready.”
“You should go to work.”
I walk over to the bed and sit on the edge. I take her hands in mine and look her dead in the eye. “Promise me something.”
“That you’ll stay here and will not leave.” She blinks twice and wets her lips with the tip of her tongue. “Promise me you’ll stay here until I return, and then we can talk about everything.” She gulps. “Promise,” I push.
“I promise.”